over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by mrmackdaddy

I doubt that the Impale damage is actually added to your hit. My guess is that it's its own separate effect dealt as secondary damage.

The damage from impales on the enemy is separate from the hit triggering them, and is reflected damage.

If multiple impales are on the enemy, they take a single reflected damage hit with the stored damage of all the impales combined, rather than several smaller ones, and then all the impales tick down one "use" (being removed if all 5 are used up).

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by ChaosAE

Since the stored damage is based on what was taken, some things like Vuln might make it double dip too.

It is not based on damage taken, it's based on unmitigated damage, which is inherently different - damage taken is mitigated. Nothing double-dips.

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mao-C

since its reflected damage, its safe to assume that it cant cause or contribute to bleed then, right?


over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by MwHighlander

damage from impales on the enemy is separate from the hit triggering them, and is reflected damage

Crown of the Pale King pog champ

Sorry, but this won't work. That item requires you to reflect damage to enemies. Impale is an effect on the enemy which causes relfection to them, it's not you reflecting the damage.

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by redrach

Is the fact that the damage is unmitigated significant? I don't know how much monster armor mitigates a typical endgame player physical hit.

It's significant in that it prevents double-dipping of any mitigation or damage taken modifiers.

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by MaXimillion_Zero

Please consider changing the wording. Enemies taking increased damage should not fall under unmitigated damage, since it's the exact opposite of mitigation.

You are misunderstanding something. Vulnerability is not mitigation. But it is a modifier to damage taken, and damage taken is mitigated damage. Unmitigated damage is not damage taken, vulnerability cannot apply to it.

The reason vulnerability doesn't double-dip isn't because it's somehow considered mitigation, it's that what it does fundamentally applies to the mitigated damge value (damage taken), not the unmitigated one (which is stored for impale).

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Iggy_2539

Based off the way you explicitly deny double dipping of mitigation/damage taken modifiers, it sounds as if the bonus damage from hitting an Impaled enemy could be double dipped by damage dealt modifiers; like "physical damage with weapons", support gems and so on.

So following that logic, an Impaled enemy will grant added flat physical damage to subsequent hits, similarly to Despair causing cursed enemies to take additional flat chaos damage.

If it is flat damage, this would also mean that you could infinitely ramp up damage on Impales, assuming you always hit the enemy before prior impales ended. Because the Impale bonus damage would contribute to a stronger Impale on subsequent hits

Is this correct? Or have I missed something?

No. Impale does not add flat damage to subsequent hits, it deals relfected damage when the impaled enemy is hit. Because the damage from impale is reflected damage, your damage modifiers don't apply to it (they did apply to the initial hit which caused the impale, and thus the stored damage of the impale, but they don't apply again and double dip).

Your damage taken modifiers apply to the unmitigated damage of the impaling hit, which is then stored, but don't apply to the impale when it deals damage. The enemy's modifiers to damage taken don't apply to unmitigated damage (damage taken is mitigated damage, it's stored before this point), but do apply when the imaple actually damages them. Nothing applies twice.

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by tanis0

If any enemies impale players (or do so in the future), would Slayer's Headsman ascendancy passive grant immunity to the damage since it's considered reflected physical damage?

They will not take damage from impale, because that damage is reflected physical damage.

over 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by JennyInTheWood

Does this work with [thousand teech temu] the unique shield?

The shield has a mod of "10% of Damage you Reflect to Enemies is gained as Life "

I am just not sure if the impales debuff counts as the reflected damage I deal to the Enemies.

It could be build enabling if this works.

No. You are not reflecting that damage.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by cybertier

Sorry to dig this up, but it's the best context for the question:

Is Impale affected twice by Worthy Foe? Initial Hit * 1.2 * 0.1 for the impale debuff, then every impale "tick" gets another 1.2 modifier?

No. Nothing double-dips impale.

Damage taken modifiers inherently apply to damage taken, which is damage that has been mitigated. Impale uses the unmitigated damage, so those modifiers have not already applied to the damage of the impale.