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ExileCon 2023, the second official Path of Exile convention, is in a week! We have updated the ExileCon web page with the schedule for the event. There are a number of gameplay demonstrations and developer talks, as well as appearances from your favourite Path of Exile content creators and special guests. We'll continue to tweak the schedule over the next week if various presentations or speakers change.
Apply for an NZeTA before travelling!
The first and most important reminder is that New Zealand has a system where you must apply for an "NZeTA" online before arriving in the country. As far as we can see, almost all ExileCon visitors from overseas must apply for one. We recommend doing this as soon as possible. Thankfully, the process does not look difficult. Full details and the application form are on this page.
VIP Dinner
For attendees with a VIP or Ultra VIP pass, the weekend kicks off with a VIP dinner on Friday evening at the Wildfire Churrascaria. It's primarily a meat restaurant but vegetarian options are available. The 250 player VIPs will be joined by 80 Grinding Gear Games staff members, intermingled at the same tables. The dinner starts at 6pm on Friday 28th July, and the restaurant is located at Shed 22, Auckland. We don't have very many sheds over here.
We have a registration area inside Aotea Centre (where the event is taking place), with signage in Aotea Square to direct you.
To pick up your badge you'll need to show the QR code that is visible on your Path of Exile account page on the website. We'll also email you a copy of this code for convenience.
The registration tent is open during these hours:
- Friday 28th July: 2pm - 8pm
- Saturday 29th July: 7am - 5pm
- Sunday 30th July: 9am - 5pm
You must show photo ID that matches the name on your ticket, and because we need to check your age (the event is a Restricted 16 event). You'll also need to carry your ID for the whole event because we will be spot checking that people's badges match their name when they enter the venue. Please contact [email protected] by Sunday 23rd July if you need to update your ticket details.
When to Arrive on Saturday
The keynote presentation (with the big announcements) starts at 10am, but there's an hour of seating time with a pre-show starting at 9:30am (streamed both to the internet and the main theatre) beforehand. We recommend picking up your badge on Friday and then arriving around 9am to get seated and comfortable before the big show. Your badge will indicate where you are seated for the keynote presentation, including which door you should enter the theatre through.
Cosplay Weapon Policy
All cosplay weapons brought to the venue will be checked to make sure that they are not capable of harming anyone. The policy is available here.
ExileCon After Party
The ExileCon After Party runs from 8pm to 11pm on Sunday 30th July. It's a Restricted 18 event, so you need to bring ID to get in. Your ExileCon badge has a voucher on the back for one free drink, which you can redeem at the Terrace Café. We recommend having dinner before the party, but some light food will be provided during the party.
Discord Server
We have created a Discord Server for ExileCon attendees, which you can join here: https://discord.gg/FhePaBYSxC. This is the best place to ask questions during the event!
Aotea Centre is wheelchair accessible, and a guided tour is available here. The main theatre has a hearing aid loop available, which venue staff can help you access.
First Aid
A first aid room is located on the bottom floor of Aotea Centre, and venue staff are trained in first aid. If you require first aid during ExileCon, please let venue staff know.
We're very excited to meet everyone at ExileCon! See you all in a week!