If you import the new tree linked in the patch notes you can take a gander at the planned changes in PoB, though the icons may be a bit janky as they are on my end. Some new notables seem to allocate a new stat called "Overwhelm,
If you import the new tree linked in the patch notes you can take a gander at the planned changes in PoB, though the icons may be a bit janky as they are on my end. Some new notables seem to allocate a new stat called "Overwhelm," not to be confused with the Slayer notable of the same name. Overwhelm is not a mechanic I've seen mentioned anywhere in the patch notes or manifesto and appears to be present on most 1-hander and 2-hander notables and 1 bow notable. In Path of Building, the tooltip states, "Physical Damage Reduction is lower against Overwhelming Hits, but cannot go negative". Is this an unmentioned mechanic we were meant to stumble upon or is it an unplanned relic of a previous internal build?
It just seems to be renaming of the "Enemies have -X% to Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits".
It's this.