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While the Ancestor League is in full swing, we wanted to give you an update on our upcoming 3.23 expansion's timeline.
3.23 Expansion Timeline
The next Path of Exile expansion will launch early December. Initially we considered a late November release, but with the 3.23 scope being quite ambitious, we need to take a few extra weeks to finish what we have planned.
End-of-League Events
December release means the current Ancestor League will be extended by a few weeks, so in November we're planning to run a series of three in-game events, each of them will run for about a week. We will reveal the details in a couple of weeks, so keep an eye on the news.
Path of Exile 2
As we move towards the closed beta next June, we plan to give you more updates about Path of Exile 2. Our next Path of Exile 2 showcase will be released during the 3.23 announcement livestream late November. Don't miss out on it!
Core Supporter Packs
The next set of Core Supporter Packs will be released alongside our 3.23 announcement, which means that the current Core Supporter Packs will soon be leaving the store forever. If you're still considering getting yours to fly around Wraeclast or want to submit a personalised unique to be forever in the Voidborn Reliquary Key then now is the time! Check them out here.