about 3 years
ago -
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The BPL Command Team are organising a co-operative, team-based community event which takes place this coming weekend! This time, participants will be randomly split into six teams with class restrictions, where they'll compete for points which are awarded for achieving things such as collecting certain thematic sets of unique items, leveling up, killing specific bosses and more!
League Starts: Mar 11, 2022 2:00 PM (EST)
League Ends: Mar 15, 2022 3:00 PM (EDT)
This event is open to everyone and this time there is a cap of 400 players per team (2400 spots in total). All you need to participate is a Path of Exile account and a Discord account.
Sign ups for the event are open until Mar 10, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) or as long as there are available slots. If you'd like to get involved or want more information, check out the BPL website here.
If you'd like to spectate, you can check out https://badgerleague.com/live to see a list of everyone that's streaming the event on Twitch! A closing ceremony will be broadcast at the end of the event on Badger's Twitch channel here.
Good luck to all those participating!