about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

The 1.4.130 update for Path of Building is now available, containing the passive tree for 3.6.

This update also contains the known uniques for 3.6, as well as most of the missing uniques from 3.5.

Other changes for 3.6 are still to come; note that skill gem additions and changes won't be coming until the patch is released as I won't have access to the necessary data.

For existing users, the update is available via the usual update system; click "Check for Update" at the bottom left if the update hasn't already been downloaded. For anyone interested in trying the program for the first time, head to the releases page to get the installer.

If you'd like to give me something more tangible than energy, I have a Patreon page.

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Sakataseiki

GGG actually released Openarl!

Edit: "I won't have access to the necessary data" - doubt.

I may have access to literally everything at work, but for PoB I'm only permitted to use information that is accessible to everyone.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by kfijatass

Doesn't hurt to pre-prep an update with the data that's confirmed to go public, right?
Knowing that would probably require you to poke at some team at GGG responsible, but I think it'd help if you had this info ahead of time. Something worth considering in any case.

In theory I could, but it wouldn't really be fair for the other tool developers who can't get access to that info early.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Tobikaj

Is there still the bug with freezing and two monitors?


Unfortunately that is still around; I've never been able to get anywhere in my previous investigations into the issue.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by DelMann2

How do I enable the 3.6 passive tree?

If you've updated to 1.4.130 then you already have it enabled.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by puebloo

When It'll be released to download as a new version? Can't update it on this computer, so I have to wait for the released version.

I'll be putting up a new installer soon, after the next update is ready.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by DemiTF2

Dumb question from a noob but, are there other tool developers that you "compete" with? I thought PoB was special because it's by far the most advanced and only complete build planner/calculator. Aside from taking traffic away from someone like the poeskilltree owner, how would you hurt any other 3rd party developers by having updates prepped to send out shortly after the official announcements are made?

There are many other tools and websites that make use of the game data; they might not be direct competitors to PoB (except for the latest PoESkillTree), but they're still worth considering.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by DerpAtOffice

Just one bug I notice, not sure if reported, the preview in the calcs tab is targeting the old location of the passive skill point on tree. So its slightly off and put a red circle on the empty void.

Enlish bad, look pictue. Dont really know how to explain exactly.

Fixed in the next update.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Shumatsuu

Checking "the enemy is shocked" with the passive Static Blows and the preceding point, actually reduces crit chance in the program instead of raising it. (It also doesn't apply the 100% chance from the enemy being consecrated either)

Are you an Inquisitor? I suspect you're negating Righteous Providence's crit bonus when enabling Shock.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by pizzamachine

My client updated but the 3.6 tree doesn't show up as a selectable tree in the options. I've tried re-downloading it already. Any suggestions?

Do you mean in the Configuration tab? I merely forgot to update the version number there; the tree has already been updated to 3.6.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by InVeRnyak

Openarl, execuseme, u forgot to change Boss curse resistance

Not all of the 3.6 changes are in yet; it will take time to get to all of them, given how much has changed.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Zaken_Kenpachi

But then, by using PoB they would gain that info. Which would actually give it to them "beforehand" also and balance everything out with fairness lol.

Only once released, by which time they can get the info themselves.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Starmastermaster

Thank you so much!

Just a thought, it may be a good idea to have a pay upgrade version that has additional features such as having the ability to keep old skill trees and compare and contrast different trees, or to have template builds. I know i would be willing to pay twenty bucks for those types of additional features.

I have no interest in offering any premium version of the program, and given how much it relies on the game's data it wouldn't be ethical (or legal) to offer one.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by SvennEthir

I was messing around with this... does Despair not work? It's not showing a DPS increase for me.

Could you give me your build?

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by tallandgodless

Are you allowed to pre-prep code on a private branch that you don't push until it's allowed to go public?

In order to do so, I would need to use information that isn't publicly available, so no, not really.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by DJIKhaos

Is the small jewel radius in pob bugged? there was no change to radius in the patch notes but the small radius seems to be smaller than before. I compared it to the in game passive tree and the difference was easy to spot no matter which socket I used.

Edit: Same seems to be true for large radius as well

I haven't changed the jewel radius values, but it does look like the tree's scale has changed. I'll need to investigate more.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by wallonfire

You say it contains the 3.6 tree, but https://i.imgur.com/edSF70h.png https://i.imgur.com/k0fbfTq.png am i doing something wrong?

That version number isn't tied directly to the tree version (it's just for display), and I usually forget to update it. I'll do so in the next update, though.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Th3MacDon

Does anyone know if the new POB update is reflecting the changes to crit chance? Because it still keeps calling at 95%. Thanks in advance.

That's in the next update.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by gubaguy

New skill gem info when? Seems like they shoudl release the whole patch a day early and lock people out form the league so people can test stuff in standard, would help find gamebreaking bugs BEFORE peopel abuse it in league where it matters.

That will be coming after the patch goes live.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by krummysunshine

When i go do download it, it is still the old version.

I haven't uploaded a new installer yet, but I will be doing so soon.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Munga1992

On that note, Has having that restriction been confusing at all to you in maintaining PoB? Have you ever been sitting there and had a "oh, crap. This can't go in there" moment?

Thanks <3

It hasn't been too difficult. Data-wise, I only pull stuff from the live game client, so there's no risk there. The only risk is with details of game mechanics, but nearly all of what PoB would ever need is public anyway.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by GoferGaming

Thanks a lot mate. Greatly appreciate it.

By the way I got a quick question. For the Brand skills does PoB take Runebinder into account for DPS? I don't see any options to enable a second brand on target. Also, putting a skill point in or out of Runebinder also doesn't decrease or increase the DPS.

Just wondering if I should be multiplying my DPS by 2 or not :P

It does not.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by wetfangs

does that mean we can expect gems on PoB later today after it releases to the public?

No; they'll only be in once the patch goes live and I have time to add them.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by explosivecurry13

I was surprised to see it when I woke up this morning. When can we expect some of the gems updated?

Only after the patch.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by mcm375

Is it me or are large radius jewels slightly smaller than in game and no longer hit nodes they used to in this version of POB?

I didn't change anything in PoB; that's the tree itself that has changed. I'm not sure yet if I need to change anything in PoB to fix this, or if it is intentional.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Profetu

Shield Leech nodes near Ethereal Feast don't seem to be adding anything

Edit they do if you don't have the other shield leech node. I have no idea how thi works. 0.3% spell leech adds more than 0.8%

You're probably hitting the ES leech cap. I can take a look at your build if you'd like me to confirm.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by ascalo

Is consecrated ground working properly on POB atm? I have enemy standing on consc ground ticked and im not getting any increase to crit chance atm.

Not yet.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Tuck_Vison

why the f**k is a GGG employee running a patreon? why don't all the other GGG employees have patreon?

Because I update PoB outside of work, when I'm not getting paid by GGG.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Ezekiul

Hey there is a path of building app on the Google play store, is this yours?


about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Spankyzerker

Raise Zombie gem name is listed twice in drop down list fyi.

I don't see that? Could you show a screenshot?

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by zentee

Is there a way to overlap old passive tree so we can check what changed :D? Thanks for the great work <3

Not currently, sorry.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by mhar02

Is 1.4.130 not in the releases tab? My internet won't let me update and I need to re-download. :(

I'll be uploading a new installer soon.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by _Versi_

I really hope Divine Ire works properly with totems or I'll end up wasting a lot of time for nothing :(

It does!

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by YouSaid_ButFuck

Thanks so much for the work that you do. I'm gonna mostly miss this season because of a new puppy so I need this mini-game when I have 5 minutes of down time.

Edit: Puppy tax, https://i.imgur.com/0UAoJER.jpg

Aww :3

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by ulfserkr

Does the new PoB version already have the changes to Consecrated Ground?

Not yet.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by johnz0n

is it possible to update version 1.4.123 manually? i can't access the update servers from my work notebook because reasons….

There'll be a new installer soon.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by moshemaman25

I know we have no right to ask . but do you think the skils will be avilable before path ?

No, sorry.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by CannedPears1

That's really interesting, I'm suprised the balance people dont use a dev version of POB to run numbers

No need for PoB when you can just create a build in-game in 2 minutes...

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Akalamiammiam

Does it contains at least the changes for ED/Blight damage ? I understand that the skill gems for Bane and Soulrend are not public (yet), but for these ones maybe ?

That'll come after the patch.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by SmaugtheStupendous

Is the lvl20 Gem stats release before league start not considered public yet for purposes of having all the gem info in PoB?

Will the info be available basically at launch or can it only be worked on after launch? Not demanding anything but I'm curious how stuff will work going forward.

That will come after the patch.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by elkcaps

This will be my second season using POB, and so the first time going through an update/tree change. Do I need to worry about my passive tree on existing builds breaking? For example, if the build paths through Nullification, which is now gone, will any allocations starting where Nullification was be gone?

That's correct. I do want to add the ability to preserve old trees at some point, though.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by FuckThatNewDesign

Did GGG actually give you time off to update PoB?

Nope; I have too much to do on the game itself.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Corsica96

Thanks u/Openarl! Random question...have you asked GGG to consider adding some form of Path of Building in PoE itself + and/or the website? And being a new employee there, any idea on the status of these features that were in the 3.0 patch notes but then omitted?

  • Added a Passive Skill Tree planning system
  • This tool allows you to package multiple passive skill trees into a "build" that can be imported into the game, or viewed here on the website

I would love that to be added, hopefully sooner rather than later. It would be ultra nice to just know where to allocate my points by popping open my tree, rather than alt-tabbing or looking at another screen to see where I'm supposed to go. Ditto goes for importing the build and having the tree planned for you in-game. I wouldn't be surprised if this was already a thing in the China realm version, but would be nice if we could get snippets of it at least. Maybe its even planned for 4.0, but I thought you/someone else might be able to revive the topic. I don't want it to be forgotten!

I can't really comment on any of that, sorry!

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by BublyWater

You really think they hired the POB developer and are not giving him time and resources to develop POB. I'm sorry but that's absolutely a ridiculous proposition to make.

It is true, though. PoB certainly looked good on my resume, but I was hired purely to work on the game itself.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by HoldMySoda

No offense, I appreciate your work, really, but it'd be really nice if it wouldn't automatically replace the tree every time. I had several builds planned and now I can't compare them with the new tree. The only thing I know is that my Occultist ended up with 21% missing ES for 4 more nodes. Would be nice, thanks.

PS: I'm not sure if you are aware yet, but last night when I checked, the aura passives didn't work.

It would take quite some effort to support multiple passive tree versions; I do want to do that eventually, though.
I can't find any problem with any of the aura passives; which ones in particular are you referring to?

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by HoldMySoda

I used Discipline in PoB and then wanted to grab Influence and Sovereignty to see how much ES they give. Didn't do anything. This was only the case after updating the first time to 3.6. I dunno if you updated it again since, because I'm now at work and can't check.

They're working for me; could you send me your build?

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by HoldMySoda

I cannot, at least not now. I'm at work for another ~3 hours minimum. And I won't get home until ~4-5 hours. However, I can check again when I get home and report back. It's probably fixed by now. It's something I notice on the regular, though. Every first new patch breaks something (e.g. last league it was Minion mods missing), then it's magically fixed in the patch or two afterwards.

By the way, I just remembered something else I wanted to report (if that also doesn't work again already): Last night, once again right after the first patch, Wither didn't work. I couldn't select any Wither stacks in the config. And when I used an attack skill with Withering Touch, I could select Wither stacks as normal, however, the bonus damage taken would not apply (e.g. Essence Drain didn't get any bonus damage, for example).

For the Wither skill, you need to select the skill in the sidebar in order to set the stack count (rather than in the Configuration tab).
As for Withering Touch, as far as I can tell it is working fine.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by evayuko

when are the new skill comming to path of building?

After the patch is out.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by FCK42

I THINK I found a bug, but I'm not sure. I couldn't find the configuration for wither stacks. Previously there was a way to set specific numbers of wither stacks, but I can't find it anymore. That is quite inconvenient, since activating wither now only applies one wither stack to the enemy, resulting in much lower damage.

You need to select Wither as your main skill in the sidebar, then select the stack count from the dropdown.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by newb00y

Hi, not sure where is the best place to ask about contributing to the project is in regards to gem information for PoB.

I'll be taking care of that once the patch is out.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by mcm375

When comparing the radius of a large jewel in game and in current ver of POB, it appears that the radius of the jewel coverage is less in POB than in game. Is this a property of the tree itself?

Either way considering your poisition at GGG is there any chance you could work to rectify this? By way of example, in current POB a healthy mind jewel no longer reaches all Heart and Soul life/mana nodes.

I checked with Rory, and it seems the tree did accidentally get expanded slightly at some point when the 3.6 changes were being made; that's now been fixed, hopefully in time for it to make it into 3.6.0.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by FCK42

Thank you very much for the info! I feel kinda stupid now.

That's ok; the UI for skill options really needs improving so you don't need to look in two places depending on the skill.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by rudecarlos

Could Winter Orb DPS calculations be updated to take cast speed into account? Right now I can add a thousand cast speed to an item and it won't have an effect on DPS, despite cast speed affecting the firing frequency.

I'll try to get that in soon!

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by LegoClaes

Just out of curiosity, what does it look like when devs create a build ingame? Is there an interface, or do they use commands to create items?


about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Naughtdaniel

Why does winter orb dps not go up with increased cast speed?

Because I haven't implemented that in PoB yet, due to having only found out about that yesterday.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by zug0

Shadow cluster start near coldhearted calculation is not updated for me even with the lastest version. Is this correct?

I'll be updating the tree again in the next update.

about 5 years ago - /u/Openarl - Direct link

Originally posted by Remmib

Hey bud, you know the Shadow area is incorrect right? (Where Lethal Assault and Resourcefulness are.)

That area was changed at the last minute; the latest tree version will be coming in the next update.