over 5 years
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While the developers are busy preparing for the upcoming ExileCon and 3.9.0 release, the community team is sorting out the Fan Art competition entries in order to choose the winners, Wraeclast is ready to celebrate Halloween (and we don't even need to look for scary and gory decorations)! What could be better for Halloween than a proper spooky costume for your Exile? We've selected several outfits for this special occasion, so be sure to check out the video below if you're looking for an inspiration!
Here are the microtransactions our models have been using:
- Demon Parasite Body Armour
- Demon Parasite Gloves
- Demon Parasite Boots
- Gore Skull
- Devil Horns
- Carnage Wings
- Ultimate Chaos Sword
- Ultimate Chaos Character Effect
- Blood Guard Footprints
- Demonic Leap Slam
- Malachai Body Armour
- Extinction Gloves
- Extinction Boots
- Extinction Helmet
- Bleeding Eyes
- Extinction Back Attachment
- Gore Character Effect
- Grasping Hands Pet
- Sawblade Blade Vortex Skill
- Wrangler Body Armour
- Wrangler Boots
- Wrangler Gloves
- Bane Lich Hood
- Sin Sword
- Lich Weapon Effect
- Sin Character Effect
- Gloom Wings
- Raven Raging Spirit Effect
- Vampiric Body Armour
- Scare Mask Helmet
- Vampiric Gloves
- Vampiric Boots
- Tentacle Wings
- Ultimate Chaos Character Effect
- Gothic Horror Ghost Child Pet
- Malachai Portal Effect
- Executioner Body Armour
- Executioner Gloves
- Executioner Boots
- Stag Hood Helmet
- Spider Back Attachment
- Fire Character Effect
- Infernal Bow
- Demonic Split Arrow Effect
Thank you for your support!