about 3 years
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The Scourge League ends on PC on Tuesday February 1st at 1pm (PST), so this is your last week to complete any unfinished challenges. On consoles, the Scourge League will end when the Siege of the Atlas expansion goes live for consoles on February 9th (PST).
When Scourge ends, private leagues for Siege of the Atlas will become available shortly after so that you can prepare ahead of time for its launch. The exclusive Scourge Brimmed Hat will also leave the store forever! If you want to show your support for the league, be sure to check it out.
Don't forget to tune into the livestream announcement for the Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas expansion on Jan 27, 2022 2:00 PM (EST) (this is displayed in your local time) on our Twitch channel. During the announcement, we'll reveal a new set of supporter packs to replace the Expedition Supporter Packs. Be sure to grab your Soulkeeper and Aesir packs here before they are gone forever.
A reminder that Twitch Drops will be enabled for the livestream to earn a set of Wasteland Wings!
In case you missed it, make sure to check out the reveal videos for the upcoming expansion below!
We'll see you at the announcement!