over 1 year
ago -
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For streamers that would like to share the ExileCon experience with viewers that aren't able to make it in person, we've put together a Code of Conduct for live streaming the event. If you plan to be IRL streaming during ExileCon, please adhere to the following guidelines so the event can remain fun and safe for everyone.
- Please respect people's space. If someone is giving social cues that they don't want to be included in your stream, please respect that and move on. The comfort of ExileCon attendees will always take priority over IRL Streaming.
- Please do not crash any presentations or interviews. You can watch them with your audience but do not be disruptive in any way to the normal flow of the convention.
- Please do not talk during any of the developer talks.
- Please do not film or stream any meet and greets. However, you can film/stream your own meet and greet. If your meet and greet is happening alongside another booked guest, please get their consent before doing this.
- While streaming or filming, do not enter any bathrooms or other spaces where people would expect privacy.
- Please don't do anything that belittles or mocks any attendees of the event, including staff.
- Please do not stream the VIP Dinner, ExileCon After Party or Ultra VIP Dinner.
- Please be considerate of the length of your camera arm not getting in other people's way in any scenario.
- You can record your reaction during the main show presentation but please consider the experience of people sitting near you. Specifically, you should not block their view or record them if they do not want to be recorded.
We reserve the right to ask you to end your stream if we feel the Code of Conduct has been breached. If at this point you show further non-compliance, you will be removed from ExileCon.