about 5 years
ago -
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We've just begun the press tour for our March expansion. Astute Path of Exile fans know that this means our official announcement is just around the corner! In fact, the announcement is currently planned for noon February 25 PST (9am February 26, NZ time) so just over one week away.
At this time, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC users which means our current league supporter packs should end then too. For console players this changeover will happen alongside league launch as per usual.
This also means that we are aiming to launch this expansion on March 13 PST (March 14 NZ time) although this is not completely locked in. We will confirm its launch date with our announcement next week.
With the above schedule, Path of Exile: Metamorph will be ending on March 9 PST for PC players and about a week later for console players. If you're eager to hear what's happening with Metamorph in the future, we have a Development Manifesto planned for late next week to explain our thoughts.
We can't wait to share what we've been working on with you!