You should check out the new and changed Warcries here.
Are Exerted Attacks based on "Next X Attacks" or "Next X Seconds"?
X Attacks (Although exerted behaviour on each Warcry is different so it's not necessarily 'attacks').
u/Mark_GGG Hey, do warcries w/o exerted attack bonus(like endurance cry) still suffer from war bringer?(-25 rage for nothing).
It's not for nothing. They'll sacrifice rage, meaning you'll have 4 seconds of 50% more damage with exerted attacks. Just because that warcry didn't exert any attacks doesn't mean you can't benefit from the bonus. You might have other warcries that were used more than 4 seconds ago but still have attacks left to exert. You might have ongoing effects (such as an earthquake aftershock) of attacks that were exerted by a different warcry. You might have Mirage Warriors from General's Cry, who use your attacks and have their attacks count as exerted. You might have just used a different warcry before which set up to exert your next attacks but gained rage, and thus didn't give the bonus.