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I was gone from the sub a while and there's some new trends I wasn't expecting:

  • Players are talking about the Tencent servers a lot
  • Players and well known streamers are playing on the Tencent servers
  • There's no QoL posts from GGG addressing community concerns
  • There's no what-to-expect posts for next league even though it's so close
  • There's a famine of posts from GGG

What happened in this short span of time? Really feels like I missed a key moment when I looked away, and I'm still currently playing on the main GGG servers.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by chuanhsing


New Zealand is now at Alert Level 3

New Zealand moved to Alert Level 3 at 11:59pm on Monday 27 April.

Alert Level 3 still required us to work from home. We're moving into level 2 later this week that lets us return to the office.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by DBrody6

GGG never posts during the time a league is winding down and the next one is being prepped to be revealed. This isn't abnormal in the slightest.

Correct, there just isn't much to talk about at this point in the league. We are preparing for the upcoming press tour and will give you a timeline of what to expect as soon as we can but we want to be more certain about dates before we talk about them. The working from home situation has definitely created some logistical challenges so we are just playing things safe in terms of timelines right now. We are still absorbing the community's feedback and content in the meantime. We are around.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by collinsurvive

Previously it was mentioned that an extension was a possibility albeit one that wasn't really the preferred route by everyone at GGG, if at all possible clarification or a heads up about the possibility of an extension would be neat (selfishly asking because deciding on if I wanna delve deep or wait for next league ).

Stay safe and enjoy the time with the kiddo

We'll give you a timeline of what to expect as soon as we can.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


My response hasn't really changed from the last time you raised this with me.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by azajay

Totally unrelated to the comment chain above, but is there any chance of us getting a HH/Flashback league like tencent is getting now? They're so much fun and we haven't had anything like this lately, and everyone is bored and in quarantine. Would be nice to have a for-fun league to waste some time in.

Ah, I have commented on this in the past but it's probably good to reiterate. Because of the disruption the lockdown has caused for development, we're putting all of our focus on the next league's expansion and won't have the bandwidth to also prepare an extra end of league event. I suspect we would otherwise have been keen to run one for Delirium.