about 1 year
ago -
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Tomorrow, Game Director Jonathan Rogers will join Kripparrian live on stream to talk about Path of Exile 2!
The Interview will be on Kripparrian's Twitch Channel, and the show will start on the 27th of December at 4:30PM PST, or Dec 27, 2023 7:30 PM (EST) in your local time.
Kripparrian will be asking some questions from Twitch Chat, so we hope you join in if you've got a burning question about Path of Exile 2!
Don't forget, Jonathan's quite active in the Path of Exile 2 Subreddit and he's answered a lot of questions there already. Be sure to check it out!
If you're interested in finding out more about Path of Exile 2 and what we've been cooking since the Mercenary reveal, make sure you tune in! See you there!