almost 4 years
ago -
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Community streamer, Brittleknee, has arranged for a showcase of Path of Exile racing strategies to be featured on Games Done Quick, a channel which focuses on demonstrating high level gameplay alongside efforts to raise money for charity. This showcase shares strategies for racing in Path of Exile, starting with the basics and progressing on to veteran strategies and secrets. You'll find the action on at 4pm April 5th (PDT).
Brittleknee and Games Done Quick showrunner Raelcun will be providing commentary as community streamers Tytykiller, Imexile and Balaardemonstrate racing strategies in Act One, Act Three and Act Five.
This is an exciting opportunity to learn from experienced Path of Exile racers, particularly if you are wanting to get involved in the racing community or are looking to improve your leveling times in preparation for our upcoming expansion. If you can't watch the stream live but are still interested in finding out more about racing, the broadcast will be uploaded to the Games Done Quick YouTube channel at a later date.
The Path of Exile racing community have also recently made improvements to the Path of Exile Community Racing Discord; making it easier than ever to get involved! You can join the Discord by clicking here.
We hope to see you there!