about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

The Talent Competition has just begun, and we've already received a lot of good submissions. We'll be publishing the highlights of this competition over the coming weeks. Today we're showcasing some of the entries we've received in the Talent Competition so far.

The Lioneye's Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Fan Art by RaVirr17

Kitava by Bolaway

Kitava by PiikaLatvija

Celestial Cat Pet by Lin7in

Memory Nexus Theme Cover by Manegroth

'Still Sane, Exile?' by Sarys

Sirus's Pain by Crofts147

Empower Support Gems by kaboommst

The Spidermancer by KungFuPanda2

about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1688222120318908372]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
The Talent Competition has just begun, and we've already received a lot of good submissions. We'll be publishing the highlights of this competition over the coming weeks. Today we're showcasing some of the entries we've received in the Talent Competition so far.

The Lioneye's Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Fan Art by RaVirr17

Kitava by Bolaway

Kitava by PiikaLatvija

Celestial Cat Pet by Lin7in

Check out more submissions here[www.pathofexile.com]!
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

" kaboommst wrote: @Natalia_GGG: i posted a youtube video on the gems on my entry, can you change my entry to the videolink instead of the picture itself please :D

Sure thing!

about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is currently in full swing! We're blown away by the talents of our community and we're very pleased to see so many amazing music submissions this time. We've selected more highlights from the submissions so far to showcase. Check them out below:

Dancing Duo Fan Art by FloofyDwagon

Fan Art by Dragonborn5

Atziri by Kishimo

Low Clouds in Sarn by Dezlaboom

Blight Theme Cover by caladriel

Carved Marble Exalted Orb by Zrux

Metamorph Metal Band Album by Kardalak_IX

A Requiem for Merveil by TherionPrime

Path of Exile Popsicle Stick Lore Explanation by Thel (yep, we watched the full version!)

Zana by StellaTheSlaya

We'd like to remind that if your entry hasn't been featured in our news this doesn't mean you won't win. While selecting the winners we always make sure to consider every single submission, so don't worry!

If you got enough inspiration from seeing talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have 10 more days to submit your entry! Good luck!

about 5 years ago - KamilOrmanJanowski - Direct link

I'm absolutely amazed how much great stuff you guys created! Keep it up!

about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1696104069090184910]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Our Talent Competition is currently in full swing! We're blown away by the talents of our community and we're very pleased to see so many amazing music submissions this time. We've selected more highlights from the submissions so far to showcase. Check them out below:

Dancing Duo Fan Art by FloofyDwagon

Low Clouds in Sarn by Dezlaboom

Blight Theme Cover by caladriel

Carved Marble Exalted Orb by Zrux

Check out the rest of the highlights in this news post[www.pathofexile.com]!

We'd like to remind that if your entry hasn't been featured in our news this doesn't mean you won't win. While selecting the winners we always make sure to consider every single submission, so don't worry!

If you got enough inspiration from seeing talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have 10 more days to submit your entry! Good luck!
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

It's the final week of our Talent Competition! The competition ends next Monday at 5PM (NZT), but you still have some time left to finish your submissions and have a chance to win some of our awesome prizes. Today we're showcasing the highlights for the last time before announcing the winners next week!

Path of Exile - Orion (aTension Remix) by eko1991

Deep Delving by Filipiaszek

Metamorph Vat Miniature by losingcharlotte

Fan Art by SkintickeT5

Infernal Armour Set Fan Art by Noyproks

Fan Art by SchattenInSchwarz


Shadow Statue by hamermniszcz

If you'd like to see how our community has been doing in this competition so far, check out the latest highlights here and here.

about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
It's the final week of our Talent Competition! The competition ends next Monday at 5PM (NZT), but you still have some time left to finish your submissions and have a chance to win some of our awesome prizes. Today we're showcasing the highlights for the last time before announcing the winners next week!

Path of Exile - Orion (aTension Remix) by eko1991

Deep Delving by Filipiaszek

Metamorph Vat Miniature by losingcharlotte

Fan Art by SkintickeT5

Check out the rest of the submissions in this thread[www.pathofexile.com]!
about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1696104069112234880]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by Romanovic

Little Einhar by HolySkuld

The Maven by chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by IgnesKravei

Those That Die by Fou_Lou

Spoiler It was dead. The Envoy did not have the means to perceive the distinctive fumes of rot and decay that emanated from the carcass, but the blood falling from its insides, those walls from which the distinctive colour of flesh was fading and the very familiar sense of stillness made it clear. The Beast was dead. Rivers of blood were still flowing from its core. The Envoy was mildly surprised by the amount of that liquid Those That Died could hold inside.

The Envoy was getting accustomed to the feeling of surprise. Its development was recent, but marked a change in its scope of sensations, a change that almost constituted evidence of the passage of time. That first surprise came from the words of the Nomad, which started spouting its story as if that would prevent madness from engulfing It while eternally floating in its new cage, its new place in the Maven’s collection. The Nomad spoke of a “world” to which It belonged, and of a being that once stood and fell, a being that had quieted the “gods” and could potentially alter all of humanity at once. Many had tried to divert the flow of the Beast’s apparently chaotic will, and the Nomad had stopped its movement before every living being was destroyed in a so called “Cataclysm”.

The Envoy continued its voyage beyond the heart the Nomad had destroyed. Despite not having known or heard of Lavianga, It knew the throne of the mind was not in the heart. The brain of the Beast was also rotting, but it was still there, offering something that had stirred the Envoy’s curiosity. It raised its arms, as It knew, just as the Child of Decay, the method to devouring memory. The Envoy, the ever-giver of information, was about to be the receiver, to have the pleasure of being the asker instead of the answerer. The strings of images that constituted a thoughtless being’s mind enveloped the Envoy, and It drank, It drank as It had actually felt thirst.

As suspected, the memory of all life was contained in the fragments of the beast’s memory. Moments danced in front of the Envoy’s eyes Civilizations rose and fell, their gods were born and died. Humanity created and destroyed itself constantly. Doryani tried to unite them into a single being, Malachai tried to destroy them all, and to rise them again through corruption.

Something was inside Those That Died, something that united them and made life persist while individual forms passed. Some seemed to have called it corruption, and manipulated it in crystalline forms emerging from the Beast. Some called it Darkness, and understood it dictated the different expressions of their passing forms. Some called it the soul, even trying to make it reoccur in the same forms using something called Horns of Kulemak. But no one but the Envoy saw they were all names of the same entity. It was then when the Envoy saw life itself, in its formless nature.

The Envoy realized It was in front of anonther of its kind. A Still One, an Endless, yet it possessed the ability to change, to partially die, and thus, partially evolve. The stillness of the stars with the chaos of death. The silence and the scream, united in perfection. The only question the Envoy had ever made had been answered. It was clear, as It saw the ever moving form of that self-devouring and self-regenerating entity, how could something that died have stopped the Child of Decay, and how it would do more, perhaps filling one day the silence between the worlds.

The new feeling that arose in the Envoy as It bowed in front of that fellow Endless,the Self-devouring One, was so alien to It, that there was no doubt of the passage of time. It could identify a moment when It felt it, and a moment before when It did not.

It had felt fear.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to this forum.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by Romanovic

Little Einhar by HolySkuld

The Maven by chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by IgnesKravei

Those That Die by Fou_Lou

Spoiler It was dead. The Envoy did not have the means to perceive the distinctive fumes of rot and decay that emanated from the carcass, but the blood falling from its insides, those walls from which the distinctive colour of flesh was fading and the very familiar sense of stillness made it clear. The Beast was dead. Rivers of blood were still flowing from its core. The Envoy was mildly surprised by the amount of that liquid Those That Died could hold inside.

The Envoy was getting accustomed to the feeling of surprise. Its development was recent, but marked a change in its scope of sensations, a change that almost constituted evidence of the passage of time. That first surprise came from the words of the Nomad, which started spouting its story as if that would prevent madness from engulfing It while eternally floating in its new cage, its new place in the Maven’s collection. The Nomad spoke of a “world” to which It belonged, and of a being that once stood and fell, a being that had quieted the “gods” and could potentially alter all of humanity at once. Many had tried to divert the flow of the Beast’s apparently chaotic will, and the Nomad had stopped its movement before every living being was destroyed in a so called “Cataclysm”.

The Envoy continued its voyage beyond the heart the Nomad had destroyed. Despite not having known or heard of Lavianga, It knew the throne of the mind was not in the heart. The brain of the Beast was also rotting, but it was still there, offering something that had stirred the Envoy’s curiosity. It raised its arms, as It knew, just as the Child of Decay, the method to devouring memory. The Envoy, the ever-giver of information, was about to be the receiver, to have the pleasure of being the asker instead of the answerer. The strings of images that constituted a thoughtless being’s mind enveloped the Envoy, and It drank, It drank as It had actually felt thirst.

As suspected, the memory of all life was contained in the fragments of the beast’s memory. Moments danced in front of the Envoy’s eyes Civilizations rose and fell, their gods were born and died. Humanity created and destroyed itself constantly. Doryani tried to unite them into a single being, Malachai tried to destroy them all, and to rise them again through corruption.

Something was inside Those That Died, something that united them and made life persist while individual forms passed. Some seemed to have called it corruption, and manipulated it in crystalline forms emerging from the Beast. Some called it Darkness, and understood it dictated the different expressions of their passing forms. Some called it the soul, even trying to make it reoccur in the same forms using something called Horns of Kulemak. But no one but the Envoy saw they were all names of the same entity. It was then when the Envoy saw life itself, in its formless nature.

The Envoy realized It was in front of anonther of its kind. A Still One, an Endless, yet it possessed the ability to change, to partially die, and thus, partially evolve. The stillness of the stars with the chaos of death. The silence and the scream, united in perfection. The only question the Envoy had ever made had been answered. It was clear, as It saw the ever moving form of that self-devouring and self-regenerating entity, how could something that died have stopped the Child of Decay, and how it would do more, perhaps filling one day the silence between the worlds.

The new feeling that arose in the Envoy as It bowed in front of that fellow Endless,the Self-devouring One, was so alien to It, that there was no doubt of the passage of time. It could identify a moment when It felt it, and a moment before when It did not.

It had felt fear.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to this forum.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by Romanovic

Little Einhar by HolySkuld

The Maven by chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by IgnesKravei

Those That Die by Fou_Lou

Spoiler It was dead. The Envoy did not have the means to perceive the distinctive fumes of rot and decay that emanated from the carcass, but the blood falling from its insides, those walls from which the distinctive colour of flesh was fading and the very familiar sense of stillness made it clear. The Beast was dead. Rivers of blood were still flowing from its core. The Envoy was mildly surprised by the amount of that liquid Those That Died could hold inside.

The Envoy was getting accustomed to the feeling of surprise. Its development was recent, but marked a change in its scope of sensations, a change that almost constituted evidence of the passage of time. That first surprise came from the words of the Nomad, which started spouting its story as if that would prevent madness from engulfing It while eternally floating in its new cage, its new place in the Maven’s collection. The Nomad spoke of a “world” to which It belonged, and of a being that once stood and fell, a being that had quieted the “gods” and could potentially alter all of humanity at once. Many had tried to divert the flow of the Beast’s apparently chaotic will, and the Nomad had stopped its movement before every living being was destroyed in a so called “Cataclysm”.

The Envoy continued its voyage beyond the heart the Nomad had destroyed. Despite not having known or heard of Lavianga, It knew the throne of the mind was not in the heart. The brain of the Beast was also rotting, but it was still there, offering something that had stirred the Envoy’s curiosity. It raised its arms, as It knew, just as the Child of Decay, the method to devouring memory. The Envoy, the ever-giver of information, was about to be the receiver, to have the pleasure of being the asker instead of the answerer. The strings of images that constituted a thoughtless being’s mind enveloped the Envoy, and It drank, It drank as It had actually felt thirst.

As suspected, the memory of all life was contained in the fragments of the beast’s memory. Moments danced in front of the Envoy’s eyes Civilizations rose and fell, their gods were born and died. Humanity created and destroyed itself constantly. Doryani tried to unite them into a single being, Malachai tried to destroy them all, and to rise them again through corruption.

Something was inside Those That Died, something that united them and made life persist while individual forms passed. Some seemed to have called it corruption, and manipulated it in crystalline forms emerging from the Beast. Some called it Darkness, and understood it dictated the different expressions of their passing forms. Some called it the soul, even trying to make it reoccur in the same forms using something called Horns of Kulemak. But no one but the Envoy saw they were all names of the same entity. It was then when the Envoy saw life itself, in its formless nature.

The Envoy realized It was in front of anonther of its kind. A Still One, an Endless, yet it possessed the ability to change, to partially die, and thus, partially evolve. The stillness of the stars with the chaos of death. The silence and the scream, united in perfection. The only question the Envoy had ever made had been answered. It was clear, as It saw the ever moving form of that self-devouring and self-regenerating entity, how could something that died have stopped the Child of Decay, and how it would do more, perhaps filling one day the silence between the worlds.

The new feeling that arose in the Envoy as It bowed in front of that fellow Endless,the Self-devouring One, was so alien to It, that there was no doubt of the passage of time. It could identify a moment when It felt it, and a moment before when It did not.

It had felt fear.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to this forum.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by Romanovic

Little Einhar by HolySkuld

The Maven by chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by IgnesKravei

Those That Die by Fou_Lou

Spoiler It was dead. The Envoy did not have the means to perceive the distinctive fumes of rot and decay that emanated from the carcass, but the blood falling from its insides, those walls from which the distinctive colour of flesh was fading and the very familiar sense of stillness made it clear. The Beast was dead. Rivers of blood were still flowing from its core. The Envoy was mildly surprised by the amount of that liquid Those That Died could hold inside.

The Envoy was getting accustomed to the feeling of surprise. Its development was recent, but marked a change in its scope of sensations, a change that almost constituted evidence of the passage of time. That first surprise came from the words of the Nomad, which started spouting its story as if that would prevent madness from engulfing It while eternally floating in its new cage, its new place in the Maven’s collection. The Nomad spoke of a “world” to which It belonged, and of a being that once stood and fell, a being that had quieted the “gods” and could potentially alter all of humanity at once. Many had tried to divert the flow of the Beast’s apparently chaotic will, and the Nomad had stopped its movement before every living being was destroyed in a so called “Cataclysm”.

The Envoy continued its voyage beyond the heart the Nomad had destroyed. Despite not having known or heard of Lavianga, It knew the throne of the mind was not in the heart. The brain of the Beast was also rotting, but it was still there, offering something that had stirred the Envoy’s curiosity. It raised its arms, as It knew, just as the Child of Decay, the method to devouring memory. The Envoy, the ever-giver of information, was about to be the receiver, to have the pleasure of being the asker instead of the answerer. The strings of images that constituted a thoughtless being’s mind enveloped the Envoy, and It drank, It drank as It had actually felt thirst.

As suspected, the memory of all life was contained in the fragments of the beast’s memory. Moments danced in front of the Envoy’s eyes Civilizations rose and fell, their gods were born and died. Humanity created and destroyed itself constantly. Doryani tried to unite them into a single being, Malachai tried to destroy them all, and to rise them again through corruption.

Something was inside Those That Died, something that united them and made life persist while individual forms passed. Some seemed to have called it corruption, and manipulated it in crystalline forms emerging from the Beast. Some called it Darkness, and understood it dictated the different expressions of their passing forms. Some called it the soul, even trying to make it reoccur in the same forms using something called Horns of Kulemak. But no one but the Envoy saw they were all names of the same entity. It was then when the Envoy saw life itself, in its formless nature.

The Envoy realized It was in front of anonther of its kind. A Still One, an Endless, yet it possessed the ability to change, to partially die, and thus, partially evolve. The stillness of the stars with the chaos of death. The silence and the scream, united in perfection. The only question the Envoy had ever made had been answered. It was clear, as It saw the ever moving form of that self-devouring and self-regenerating entity, how could something that died have stopped the Child of Decay, and how it would do more, perhaps filling one day the silence between the worlds.

The new feeling that arose in the Envoy as It bowed in front of that fellow Endless,the Self-devouring One, was so alien to It, that there was no doubt of the passage of time. It could identify a moment when It felt it, and a moment before when It did not.

It had felt fear.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to this forum.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by Romanovic

Little Einhar by HolySkuld

The Maven by chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by IgnesKravei

Those That Die by Fou_Lou

Spoiler It was dead. The Envoy did not have the means to perceive the distinctive fumes of rot and decay that emanated from the carcass, but the blood falling from its insides, those walls from which the distinctive colour of flesh was fading and the very familiar sense of stillness made it clear. The Beast was dead. Rivers of blood were still flowing from its core. The Envoy was mildly surprised by the amount of that liquid Those That Died could hold inside.

The Envoy was getting accustomed to the feeling of surprise. Its development was recent, but marked a change in its scope of sensations, a change that almost constituted evidence of the passage of time. That first surprise came from the words of the Nomad, which started spouting its story as if that would prevent madness from engulfing It while eternally floating in its new cage, its new place in the Maven’s collection. The Nomad spoke of a “world” to which It belonged, and of a being that once stood and fell, a being that had quieted the “gods” and could potentially alter all of humanity at once. Many had tried to divert the flow of the Beast’s apparently chaotic will, and the Nomad had stopped its movement before every living being was destroyed in a so called “Cataclysm”.

The Envoy continued its voyage beyond the heart the Nomad had destroyed. Despite not having known or heard of Lavianga, It knew the throne of the mind was not in the heart. The brain of the Beast was also rotting, but it was still there, offering something that had stirred the Envoy’s curiosity. It raised its arms, as It knew, just as the Child of Decay, the method to devouring memory. The Envoy, the ever-giver of information, was about to be the receiver, to have the pleasure of being the asker instead of the answerer. The strings of images that constituted a thoughtless being’s mind enveloped the Envoy, and It drank, It drank as It had actually felt thirst.

As suspected, the memory of all life was contained in the fragments of the beast’s memory. Moments danced in front of the Envoy’s eyes Civilizations rose and fell, their gods were born and died. Humanity created and destroyed itself constantly. Doryani tried to unite them into a single being, Malachai tried to destroy them all, and to rise them again through corruption.

Something was inside Those That Died, something that united them and made life persist while individual forms passed. Some seemed to have called it corruption, and manipulated it in crystalline forms emerging from the Beast. Some called it Darkness, and understood it dictated the different expressions of their passing forms. Some called it the soul, even trying to make it reoccur in the same forms using something called Horns of Kulemak. But no one but the Envoy saw they were all names of the same entity. It was then when the Envoy saw life itself, in its formless nature.

The Envoy realized It was in front of anonther of its kind. A Still One, an Endless, yet it possessed the ability to change, to partially die, and thus, partially evolve. The stillness of the stars with the chaos of death. The silence and the scream, united in perfection. The only question the Envoy had ever made had been answered. It was clear, as It saw the ever moving form of that self-devouring and self-regenerating entity, how could something that died have stopped the Child of Decay, and how it would do more, perhaps filling one day the silence between the worlds.

The new feeling that arose in the Envoy as It bowed in front of that fellow Endless,the Self-devouring One, was so alien to It, that there was no doubt of the passage of time. It could identify a moment when It felt it, and a moment before when It did not.

It had felt fear.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to this forum.

about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Our {LINK REMOVED}Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out. For now, take a look at some of the amazing entries we have received so far.

Path of Exile Act 7 Bridge Encampment Theme by {LINK REMOVED}xTheCopperCatx

Piety (Inspired by Vinia’s Token) by {LINK REMOVED}SMOKOwita

Chromatic Orb by {LINK REMOVED}OmegaAxis

Path of Exile Legion - Chiptune Cover [8-bit NES Version] by {LINK REMOVED}robinerd

Megasketcher Maven by {LINK REMOVED}Romanovic

Little Einhar by {LINK REMOVED}HolySkuld

The Maven by {LINK REMOVED}chloe_bean

Harvester AP Sculpt by {LINK REMOVED}IgnesKravei

Those That Die by {LINK REMOVED}Fou_Lou You can view this short story {LINK REMOVED}here by clicking the 'show' tag.

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by replying to {LINK REMOVED}this forum.

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3062980785620770954]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by nowand

Escape by Lumonium

Karui Chest by MuchiderKech

Tukohama by barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by Paintboxed

Fan Art by Kardalak_IX

The Maven by xuantung

The Maven by SimoneIF

The Maven by BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by nowand

Escape by Lumonium

Karui Chest by MuchiderKech

Tukohama by barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by Paintboxed

Fan Art by Kardalak_IX

The Maven by xuantung

The Maven by SimoneIF

The Maven by BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by nowand

Escape by Lumonium

Karui Chest by MuchiderKech

Tukohama by barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by Paintboxed

Fan Art by Kardalak_IX

The Maven by xuantung

The Maven by SimoneIF

The Maven by BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by nowand

Escape by Lumonium

Karui Chest by MuchiderKech

Tukohama by barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by Paintboxed

Fan Art by Kardalak_IX

The Maven by xuantung

The Maven by SimoneIF

The Maven by BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by nowand

Escape by Lumonium

Karui Chest by MuchiderKech

Tukohama by barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by Paintboxed

Fan Art by Kardalak_IX

The Maven by xuantung

The Maven by SimoneIF

The Maven by BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
We're continuing to share some of the entries from our recent Talent Competition. In case you've missed last week's highlights, check them out {LINK REMOVED}here!

The Tireless Quest for Exalted Orbs by {LINK REMOVED}nowand

Escape by {LINK REMOVED}Lumonium

Karui Chest by {LINK REMOVED}MuchiderKech

Tukohama by {LINK REMOVED}barbatrebbio

Chaos Orb Tattoo by {LINK REMOVED}Paintboxed

Fan Art by {LINK REMOVED}Kardalak_IX

The Maven by {LINK REMOVED}xuantung

The Maven by {LINK REMOVED}SimoneIF

The Maven by {LINK REMOVED}BlooD1SworD

If you've been inspired by seeing the talents of our players and would like to participate in this competition, you have more than two weeks to {LINK REMOVED}submit your entry! We can't wait to see what you'll come up with!
about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3062981417767385698]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack

The Maven by Fhasen

Ritual Cake by Niclax

The Maven by InfalloO

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a

Ranger by YomyKun

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack

The Maven by Fhasen

Ritual Cake by Niclax

The Maven by InfalloO

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a

Ranger by YomyKun

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack

The Maven by Fhasen

Ritual Cake by Niclax

The Maven by InfalloO

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a

Ranger by YomyKun

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack

The Maven by Fhasen

Ritual Cake by Niclax

The Maven by InfalloO

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a

Ranger by YomyKun

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack

The Maven by Fhasen

Ritual Cake by Niclax

The Maven by InfalloO

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a

Ranger by YomyKun

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3061856154334560563]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Our Talent Competition is in a full swing! If you haven't submitted your entry already, you have until March 8th (NZT) to do so. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement[www.pathofexile.com]. In the meantime, have a look at some of the submissions we've received so far:

The Bridge Encampment Theme by thetigerblack[www.pathofexile.com]

The Maven by Fhasen[www.pathofexile.com]

Ritual Cake by Niclax[www.pathofexile.com]

The Maven by InfalloO[www.pathofexile.com]

The Crusader Theme Cover by envatilea[www.pathofexile.com]

Path of Exile Figurines by omi13[www.pathofexile.com]

The Maven Cosplay by Penny_a[www.pathofexile.com]

Ranger by YomyKun[es.pathofexile.com]

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent competition is now in its final week and will end very soon on March 8th (NZT). Entries will need to be submitted by this date. We’ll announce the winners of the competition sometime next week. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. For now, take a look at some of the wonderful submissions so far!

Divination Cards by FoxBladee


Tales of Exile by Zwarno

The Envoy by SMOKOwita

Einhar Devourer Care (Watercolour) by Toshie_Art

Pixel Maven by Akezhar

You do your job, I’ll do mine! by HoldimProvae

Eyrie (Conquerors of the Atlas) - Piano Cover by envatilea

Fan Art by JoeDuncan

Fan Art by thiagolehmann

Good luck to all the participants! We’re very excited to see what else you have in store in the last few days!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent competition is now in its final week and will end very soon on March 8th (NZT). Entries will need to be submitted by this date. We’ll announce the winners of the competition sometime next week. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. For now, take a look at some of the wonderful submissions so far!

Divination Cards by FoxBladee


Tales of Exile by Zwarno

The Envoy by SMOKOwita

Einhar Devourer Care (Watercolour) by Toshie_Art

Pixel Maven by Akezhar

You do your job, I’ll do mine! by HoldimProvae

Eyrie (Conquerors of the Atlas) - Piano Cover by envatilea

Fan Art by JoeDuncan

Fan Art by thiagolehmann

Good luck to all the participants! We’re very excited to see what else you have in store in the last few days!

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent competition is now in its final week and will end very soon on March 8th (NZT). Entries will need to be submitted by this date. We’ll announce the winners of the competition sometime next week. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read this announcement. For now, take a look at some of the wonderful submissions so far!

Divination Cards by FoxBladee


Tales of Exile by Zwarno

The Envoy by SMOKOwita

Einhar Devourer Care (Watercolour) by Toshie_Art

Pixel Maven by Akezhar

You do your job, I’ll do mine! by HoldimProvae

Eyrie (Conquerors of the Atlas) - Piano Cover by envatilea

Fan Art by JoeDuncan

Fan Art by thiagolehmann

Good luck to all the participants! We’re very excited to see what else you have in store in the last few days!

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3058479088342774258]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Our Talent competition is now in its final week and will end very soon on March 8th (NZT). Entries will need to be submitted by this date. We’ll announce the winners of the competition sometime next week. For more information about the rules and how to enter the competition, read {LINK REMOVED}this announcement. For now, take a look at some of the wonderful submissions so far!

Divination Cards by {LINK REMOVED}FoxBladee

Tales of Exile by {LINK REMOVED}Zwarno

The Envoy by {LINK REMOVED}SMOKOwita

Einhar Devourer Care (Watercolour) by {LINK REMOVED}Toshie_Art

Pixel Maven by {LINK REMOVED}Akezhar

You do your job, I’ll do mine! by {LINK REMOVED}HoldimProvae

Eyrie (Conquerors of the Atlas) - Piano Cover by {LINK REMOVED}envatilea

Fan Art by {LINK REMOVED}JoeDuncan

Fan Art by {LINK REMOVED}thiagolehmann

Good luck to all the participants! We’re very excited to see what else you have in store in the last few days!

about 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out.

The Infinite Hunger by lolozori

Watercolour Marker Piece by Brooker_808

PoE Animation: Siege of the Atlas In A Nutshell by Dododox

Doors In Dimension by ThuNdeRouSe

Called Forth by laruf

Spoiler Redin sighed and tapped the side of his notebook against the stone block floor, yet again running everything back and forth through his head. Some time back he had decided to deliberately stop himself from doing work outside of his appointed hours, but still – he was an archaeologist, a scholar, and he lived for the pursuit and gathering of knowledge. And what he had found there in that ancient tomb today… quite possibly, it predated everything else he knew.

The mechanism did not match the surrounding architecture or motifs. The scholar sat up, opened his journal, and flipped through the pages, seeing all the clean, concise sketches of friezes, busts, cartouches, stained glass windows pieced together from fragments… gods both current and ancient, temples standing and ruined. Notes on thaumaturgy, its workings and fundamentals; ideas and information about this new civilization he had found; and then, abruptly, seven pages of scribbles and mistakes, a sketch that he just couldn’t get right.

It waited for him just here in the same room, apparently set into a divot in the center of the otherwise smooth floor, glistening black stone streaked through with whitish-green. Each of his failed sketches looked so much like it yet missed some vital, central portion, and every time he tried he felt no closer to discovering what it was. It felt almost as though it changed when he wasn’t looking, or that depending on the angle, its very structure seemed to shift… the scholar peered close at the thing, glimmering golden metal like burnished zinc, and for a moment reached out to fetch his quill and ink.

But then he stopped himself. It wasn’t going to help, and he had already had some of the soldiers drag his accommodations down here into the ruins so that he could get right back to it come morning. He sighed again, snapped the journal closed, and leaned far enough away to that it would be a hassle if he wanted to pick it back up, then tugged the blankets up.

The heat from the sun naturally did not reach this deep through solid stone, yet still another heat simmered undeniably up from the earth underneath. Redin hadn’t noticed it before, but as he lay there, organizing and shelving his thoughts and discoveries from the day, he became aware of a slow, ponderous rhythm echoing from somewhere within the ruins, gentle and faint, like the heartbeat of some great sleeping beast. It was this that lulled him to sleep, this low, plodding beat – and it was this that drew him into the world of dreams.

And what great, fantastic, terrible dreams they were. At once they played out in full yet felt as only small, insignificant fragments: massive structures, works of architectural and societal hubris that he recognized yet couldn’t say he had seen before. Names and deeds that sounded familiar, yet not from his own waking world. Redin stepped through the halls of these ruins, yet the civilization that built them was in its prime. The people here had skin like smooth, sweet molten bronze, and when they spoke their words and syllables swung and swam together, lyrical without even trying. They spoke to him, welcoming him forward, beaming and grinning as though they had been awaiting his presence for a long time.

They beckoned him forward, and there in the center of the room before the golden device with its strange angles and nonsense concavo-convex mechanics, stood a hooded figure. He lifted his head, and Redin could still see no face beneath the twisting, swirling fabric, sheer yet solid as though it were woven from cold, shaded water. It looked at him though it had no eyes to see; it tilted its head, appraised him up and down, then spread its arms – then spread a second pair, and a third, the crux of each along the same pair of shoulders.

Redin felt no fear. In awe the scholar stepped forward, only now aware that the figure, the priest, the deity, perhaps, stood a full arm’s breadth above his head. One of those arms came forward and the seven-fingered hand spread out, reaching for his, beckoning him forward. So the scholar looked from the hand, to the figure’s blank face, to the device behind it, the inner mechanism – in the physical, waking world missing – spinning slowly.

He took the hand, and each of those seven fingers wrapped gently yet firmly about his palm. The device spun faster. A low hum issued; the arms of the device creaked and spun and shifted, and…

And Redin woke up, mind already working far beyond his body. He scrabbled for his journal, remembered he had placed it away, fetched it – and then without even dressing in his robe, stepped over to the dismantled device, the vital center portion, the engine, so to say, missing. And he sketched the frame, the exterior, the binding arms, the gear workings, technology inspired and otherworldly. There in the center waited a gap, noticeable to him now yet unidentifiable before.

So he paused, chewed on the end of his quill, and then sketched out that part, too. It just – made sense, and like so many times before, Redin felt like a fool in how he couldn’t see it before. He dressed, had a simple breakfast, and called for a basic shipment of parts from the surface portion of the camp: though the device’s workings were strange and intricate, built around dimensions of thinking and engineering that he could hardly try to conceptualize. But, still, it made sense. It wasn’t some special alloy, as it was still liable to rust, tarnish, breakage, and battering. So the things they had around the camp would still work, so long as he pass them through the smith first.

As Redin sat back down beside the device, getting a look at it from a lower vantage, he couldn’t help but smirk. His brother was a watchmaker; perhaps that discipline would help in the understanding of this device. Even though he had finally managed to sketch down the device and work a feasible blueprint of its setup, still the scholar had more to do. He set his inkwell beside him, unscrewed the top, laid out his other scrolls of study, and got to work.

~ ~ ~

Amala sighed as he scuttled down the hallway, all of these certainly fantastic carvings and remarkably intact structures dimly lit by the torches set up in their sconces along the walls. Master Redin had specifically ordered the freestanding holders, as he wanted to preserve the original beauty and integrity of the structure – which was fair. It was just that the standing sconces were much heavier to move and harder to swap out than the wall-mounted ones.

This would be Amala’s fifth venture today up and down from the surface, and as far as ancient ruins went, these were expansive. His calves and thighs burned just from yesterday’s work, and now the good scholar was sending him back and forth, back and forth, fetch these pieces, bring me this, bring me that, I need a new stick of charcoal, will you heat my tea? I need a gem. I need a hammer.

I need slate. Slates. Several. Ah… twenty, perhaps?

Absurd. He grumbled under his breath and shifted the pack over his shoulder one more time. Since then Master Redin had asked for two more batches of twenty, and wouldn’t let the poor scribe into the room each time he returned. Whatever it was he did in there with all of these slates – well, he might have to start paying out of his own pocket to recover the stores.

This was the last turn of the hall, though, and for a moment Amala considered dropping the bag and throwing it the rest of the way. Thinking about how Master Redin had yelled at him when he had just leaned against one of the walls, though… he heaved another sigh, continued forward, and rapped the back of his dagger against the solid stone of the door, knowing that his knuckle would make no audible noise. That, and it still ached from all the times he had done it before. So he knocked, and waited. And waited. And waited some more.

“Master Redin?”

Nothing. Amala frowned, put an ear to the crack in the threshold, listened for a moment… then shouldered the heavy, carved stone open, the bag of slates sliding on his shoulder. With a grunt he dropped it down right next to the door and was just about to turn to leave – his master often fell asleep on the job, then cited the instance as inspired meditation – when he saw the scholar himself leaning over that strange contraption in the middle, seeming to glow with a light all its own.

“Master Redin, is everything-”

Amala trailed off. Spread about the pedestal foot of the device were all of those slates from before, many of them shattered, broken, sheared apart; many more crudely carved and scribbled; and then, in a neat pile, a handful that seemed carefully, deliberately formed, reduced from their oblong rectangular nature into a clean circle, edges ridged with some indecipherable glyphs in the center. Redin held one of them now, fingers rolling over the edges with anticipation. The scholar licked his lips, looked down at the slate, then stepped around to the console of the device, with the slight indention that seemed, right there…

~ ~ ~

…to perfectly fit the stone he had carved. He couldn’t remember doing many of the others, but still the evidence littered the room around him, botched and failed, not quite right. Inspiration had a tendency to hit him like this, when everything all of a sudden made sense. The device worked similarly to thaumaturgy, in some ways, but the one way to see would be to run it. And he finally had the key. Redin swallowed, peered into the center of the device – his haphazardly assembled core would likely work only the once – then pressed the stone tablet into the console. At first, nothing happened.

And then, in a moment of powerful, dizzying vertigo, it started to spin. Or, really, it felt more like the world around the device spun and twisted, while the device itself held still. Redin found himself grabbing onto the console for support, while a shout from the back of the room alerted him that someone had broken his privacy against his express whim to be left alone. He cast his head over his shoulder to shout – it looked like Amala, his idiot scribe – before another noise from the device drew him back, the same low, constant whirring that it had issued in his dream.

For a moment there was a flash of something else, of some great, three-meter figure with six arms, each capped by a seven-fingered hand. What was that? Where had he seen it before? It seemed familiar yet not, just a flash of imagination and fanaticism and – and then the machine shuddered and bucked, and a terrible, searing crackle filled his ears.

Redin took a step back just in time for a strange, shimmering door to open in front of the console, with five more opening in turn around the circumference of the device. Each one seemed to shear through and between the space around it, rather than conventionally opening – as though he had run a knife through a sheet of fabric, then dug his fingers in and tore the hole wider. Strange, dizzying portals, blue and black like water scrubbed from the depths of the ocean, swirled and shimmered before him. Amala called for him, then shouted for the guards – but Redin was captivated. He looked over his work, laughed softly, reached forward…

…felt another moment of intense vertigo and dizziness, spun, swirled…

…and stepped through onto smooth ground, the sound of crashing waves all around, the familiar taste of salt in the air. Still the whirring continued: he spun around and saw another device behind him, the same yet different, this one older, larger, clumsier. With another step back he realized that two of its siblings stood nearby as well, one of them shattered and broken as though the engine at its core had abruptly burst, astrolabe arms twisted and shattered. More of them? He patted at his cloak, hoping that he had taken his journal along, realizing he hadn’t, then saw the five remaining portals – the one he had come through sucked in on itself, shuddered, and winked out of existence, the space around it snapping back into place – and started to move for a second.

Then, though, the distinct noise of a sword slipping from its sheath behind him caught his attention, as sharply and suddenly as the point of that sword poking up between his shoulder blades. Redin gasped, froze, and slowly raised his hands.

“You are to turn around,” said a voice behind him, strong, confident, male. Immediately he clocked that voice as belonging to a soldier, or a commander, or… “and identify yourself, clearly and quickly. We have had too many mishaps with the map device to trust anyone or – anything that comes out of it.”

Redin swallowed, looked up to the sky, and then slowly turned. When he did so he couldn’t help but press his lips together and suppress a smirk: of course the owner of that voice wore an eyepatch, stone-tan hair slicked back across his head, mustache pointing downwards in a permanent frown. He held a sword in a hand quite obviously accustomed to wielding it, though his other arm hung down at his side beneath the weight of a vicious edged mace; the armor he wore looked to have been forged in proverbial fire, with great, vaulting shoulders and a frontpiece that arced down towards a glowing red central gem.

Around this commander arrayed a handful of other rough types, warriors and soldiers, rangers and, perhaps, other scholars. Redin’s heart thumped in his chest.

“I am – Master Redin,” he said, willing the nervousness in his voice to still. “Pray tell, where am I?”

Concern and distrust shone in the soldier’s single eye. He glanced over his shoulder, nodded to one of the other warriors, and stepped around to the side.

“Wraeclast,” the soldier finally answered. The word echoed and whispered in Redin’s head. “Why are you here?”

Wraeclast. Wraeclast. Beyond the golden gears… A shiver vibrated down the scholar’s back.

“I’m not sure,” he answered, truthfully. The image of the six-armed figure echoed through his mind again. “But I think this is where I am intended to be.

3D Animated Cards by kovalk123

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.

about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Our {LINK REMOVED}Talent Competition has only just started but we have already seen so many incredible entries that we wanted to share some with you today! We’ll be publishing even more highlights over the coming weeks so be sure to check them out.

The Infinite Hunger by {LINK REMOVED}lolozori

Watercolour Marker Piece by {LINK REMOVED}Brooker_808

PoE Animation: Siege of the Atlas In A Nutshell by {LINK REMOVED}Dododox

Doors In Dimension by {LINK REMOVED}ThuNdeRouSe

Called Forth by {LINK REMOVED}laruf Redin sighed and tapped the side of his notebook against the stone block floor, yet again running everything back and forth through his head. Some time back he had decided to deliberately stop himself from doing work outside of his appointed hours, but still – he was an archaeologist, a scholar, and he lived for the pursuit and gathering of knowledge. And what he had found there in that ancient tomb today… quite possibly, it predated everything else he knew.

The mechanism did not match the surrounding architecture or motifs. The scholar sat up, opened his journal, and flipped through the pages, seeing all the clean, concise sketches of friezes, busts, cartouches, stained glass windows pieced together from fragments… gods both current and ancient, temples standing and ruined. Notes on thaumaturgy, its workings and fundamentals; ideas and information about this new civilization he had found; and then, abruptly, seven pages of scribbles and mistakes, a sketch that he just couldn’t get right.

It waited for him just here in the same room, apparently set into a divot in the center of the otherwise smooth floor, glistening black stone streaked through with whitish-green. Each of his failed sketches looked so much like it yet missed some vital, central portion, and every time he tried he felt no closer to discovering what it was. It felt almost as though it changed when he wasn’t looking, or that depending on the angle, its very structure seemed to shift… the scholar peered close at the thing, glimmering golden metal like burnished zinc, and for a moment reached out to fetch his quill and ink.

But then he stopped himself. It wasn’t going to help, and he had already had some of the soldiers drag his accommodations down here into the ruins so that he could get right back to it come morning. He sighed again, snapped the journal closed, and leaned far enough away to that it would be a hassle if he wanted to pick it back up, then tugged the blankets up.

The heat from the sun naturally did not reach this deep through solid stone, yet still another heat simmered undeniably up from the earth underneath. Redin hadn’t noticed it before, but as he lay there, organizing and shelving his thoughts and discoveries from the day, he became aware of a slow, ponderous rhythm echoing from somewhere within the ruins, gentle and faint, like the heartbeat of some great sleeping beast. It was this that lulled him to sleep, this low, plodding beat – and it was this that drew him into the world of dreams.

And what great, fantastic, terrible dreams they were. At once they played out in full yet felt as only small, insignificant fragments: massive structures, works of architectural and societal hubris that he recognized yet couldn’t say he had seen before. Names and deeds that sounded familiar, yet not from his own waking world. Redin stepped through the halls of these ruins, yet the civilization that built them was in its prime. The people here had skin like smooth, sweet molten bronze, and when they spoke their words and syllables swung and swam together, lyrical without even trying. They spoke to him, welcoming him forward, beaming and grinning as though they had been awaiting his presence for a long time.

They beckoned him forward, and there in the center of the room before the golden device with its strange angles and nonsense concavo-convex mechanics, stood a hooded figure. He lifted his head, and Redin could still see no face beneath the twisting, swirling fabric, sheer yet solid as though it were woven from cold, shaded water. It looked at him though it had no eyes to see; it tilted its head, appraised him up and down, then spread its arms – then spread a second pair, and a third, the crux of each along the same pair of shoulders.

Redin felt no fear. In awe the scholar stepped forward, only now aware that the figure, the priest, the deity, perhaps, stood a full arm’s breadth above his head. One of those arms came forward and the seven-fingered hand spread out, reaching for his, beckoning him forward. So the scholar looked from the hand, to the figure’s blank face, to the device behind it, the inner mechanism – in the physical, waking world missing – spinning slowly.

He took the hand, and each of those seven fingers wrapped gently yet firmly about his palm. The device spun faster. A low hum issued; the arms of the device creaked and spun and shifted, and…

And Redin woke up, mind already working far beyond his body. He scrabbled for his journal, remembered he had placed it away, fetched it – and then without even dressing in his robe, stepped over to the dismantled device, the vital center portion, the engine, so to say, missing. And he sketched the frame, the exterior, the binding arms, the gear workings, technology inspired and otherworldly. There in the center waited a gap, noticeable to him now yet unidentifiable before.

So he paused, chewed on the end of his quill, and then sketched out that part, too. It just – made sense, and like so many times before, Redin felt like a fool in how he couldn’t see it before. He dressed, had a simple breakfast, and called for a basic shipment of parts from the surface portion of the camp: though the device’s workings were strange and intricate, built around dimensions of thinking and engineering that he could hardly try to conceptualize. But, still, it made sense. It wasn’t some special alloy, as it was still liable to rust, tarnish, breakage, and battering. So the things they had around the camp would still work, so long as he pass them through the smith first.

As Redin sat back down beside the device, getting a look at it from a lower vantage, he couldn’t help but smirk. His brother was a watchmaker; perhaps that discipline would help in the understanding of this device. Even though he had finally managed to sketch down the device and work a feasible blueprint of its setup, still the scholar had more to do. He set his inkwell beside him, unscrewed the top, laid out his other scrolls of study, and got to work.

~ ~ ~

Amala sighed as he scuttled down the hallway, all of these certainly fantastic carvings and remarkably intact structures dimly lit by the torches set up in their sconces along the walls. Master Redin had specifically ordered the freestanding holders, as he wanted to preserve the original beauty and integrity of the structure – which was fair. It was just that the standing sconces were much heavier to move and harder to swap out than the wall-mounted ones.

This would be Amala’s fifth venture today up and down from the surface, and as far as ancient ruins went, these were expansive. His calves and thighs burned just from yesterday’s work, and now the good scholar was sending him back and forth, back and forth, fetch these pieces, bring me this, bring me that, I need a new stick of charcoal, will you heat my tea? I need a gem. I need a hammer.

I need slate. Slates. Several. Ah… twenty, perhaps?

Absurd. He grumbled under his breath and shifted the pack over his shoulder one more time. Since then Master Redin had asked for two more batches of twenty, and wouldn’t let the poor scribe into the room each time he returned. Whatever it was he did in there with all of these slates – well, he might have to start paying out of his own pocket to recover the stores.

This was the last turn of the hall, though, and for a moment Amala considered dropping the bag and throwing it the rest of the way. Thinking about how Master Redin had yelled at him when he had just leaned against one of the walls, though… he heaved another sigh, continued forward, and rapped the back of his dagger against the solid stone of the door, knowing that his knuckle would make no audible noise. That, and it still ached from all the times he had done it before. So he knocked, and waited. And waited. And waited some more.

“Master Redin?”

Nothing. Amala frowned, put an ear to the crack in the threshold, listened for a moment… then shouldered the heavy, carved stone open, the bag of slates sliding on his shoulder. With a grunt he dropped it down right next to the door and was just about to turn to leave – his master often fell asleep on the job, then cited the instance as inspired meditation – when he saw the scholar himself leaning over that strange contraption in the middle, seeming to glow with a light all its own.

“Master Redin, is everything-”

Amala trailed off. Spread about the pedestal foot of the device were all of those slates from before, many of them shattered, broken, sheared apart; many more crudely carved and scribbled; and then, in a neat pile, a handful that seemed carefully, deliberately formed, reduced from their oblong rectangular nature into a clean circle, edges ridged with some indecipherable glyphs in the center. Redin held one of them now, fingers rolling over the edges with anticipation. The scholar licked his lips, looked down at the slate, then stepped around to the console of the device, with the slight indention that seemed, right there…

~ ~ ~

…to perfectly fit the stone he had carved. He couldn’t remember doing many of the others, but still the evidence littered the room around him, botched and failed, not quite right. Inspiration had a tendency to hit him like this, when everything all of a sudden made sense. The device worked similarly to thaumaturgy, in some ways, but the one way to see would be to run it. And he finally had the key. Redin swallowed, peered into the center of the device – his haphazardly assembled core would likely work only the once – then pressed the stone tablet into the console. At first, nothing happened.

And then, in a moment of powerful, dizzying vertigo, it started to spin. Or, really, it felt more like the world around the device spun and twisted, while the device itself held still. Redin found himself grabbing onto the console for support, while a shout from the back of the room alerted him that someone had broken his privacy against his express whim to be left alone. He cast his head over his shoulder to shout – it looked like Amala, his idiot scribe – before another noise from the device drew him back, the same low, constant whirring that it had issued in his dream.

For a moment there was a flash of something else, of some great, three-meter figure with six arms, each capped by a seven-fingered hand. What was that? Where had he seen it before? It seemed familiar yet not, just a flash of imagination and fanaticism and – and then the machine shuddered and bucked, and a terrible, searing crackle filled his ears.

Redin took a step back just in time for a strange, shimmering door to open in front of the console, with five more opening in turn around the circumference of the device. Each one seemed to shear through and between the space around it, rather than conventionally opening – as though he had run a knife through a sheet of fabric, then dug his fingers in and tore the hole wider. Strange, dizzying portals, blue and black like water scrubbed from the depths of the ocean, swirled and shimmered before him. Amala called for him, then shouted for the guards – but Redin was captivated. He looked over his work, laughed softly, reached forward…

…felt another moment of intense vertigo and dizziness, spun, swirled…

…and stepped through onto smooth ground, the sound of crashing waves all around, the familiar taste of salt in the air. Still the whirring continued: he spun around and saw another device behind him, the same yet different, this one older, larger, clumsier. With another step back he realized that two of its siblings stood nearby as well, one of them shattered and broken as though the engine at its core had abruptly burst, astrolabe arms twisted and shattered. More of them? He patted at his cloak, hoping that he had taken his journal along, realizing he hadn’t, then saw the five remaining portals – the one he had come through sucked in on itself, shuddered, and winked out of existence, the space around it snapping back into place – and started to move for a second.

Then, though, the distinct noise of a sword slipping from its sheath behind him caught his attention, as sharply and suddenly as the point of that sword poking up between his shoulder blades. Redin gasped, froze, and slowly raised his hands.

“You are to turn around,” said a voice behind him, strong, confident, male. Immediately he clocked that voice as belonging to a soldier, or a commander, or… “and identify yourself, clearly and quickly. We have had too many mishaps with the map device to trust anyone or – anything that comes out of it.”

Redin swallowed, looked up to the sky, and then slowly turned. When he did so he couldn’t help but press his lips together and suppress a smirk: of course the owner of that voice wore an eyepatch, stone-tan hair slicked back across his head, mustache pointing downwards in a permanent frown. He held a sword in a hand quite obviously accustomed to wielding it, though his other arm hung down at his side beneath the weight of a vicious edged mace; the armor he wore looked to have been forged in proverbial fire, with great, vaulting shoulders and a frontpiece that arced down towards a glowing red central gem.

Around this commander arrayed a handful of other rough types, warriors and soldiers, rangers and, perhaps, other scholars. Redin’s heart thumped in his chest.

“I am – Master Redin,” he said, willing the nervousness in his voice to still. “Pray tell, where am I?”

Concern and distrust shone in the soldier’s single eye. He glanced over his shoulder, nodded to one of the other warriors, and stepped around to the side.

“Wraeclast,” the soldier finally answered. The word echoed and whispered in Redin’s head. “Why are you here?”

Wraeclast. Wraeclast. Beyond the golden gears… A shiver vibrated down the scholar’s back.

“I’m not sure,” he answered, truthfully. The image of the six-armed figure echoed through his mind again. “But I think this is where I am intended to be.

3D Animated Cards by {LINK REMOVED}kovalk123

There is still plenty of time to enter the Talent Competition so if you would like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.

almost 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

There's just over one week left of our Talent Competition so we wanted to take this opportunity to share some more of the awesome pieces we've seen so far! If you've been hard at work on your entry, make sure to submit it before entries close at 9pm on March 27 PDT.

The Maven's Champion by ievildemon

The Infinite Hunger by Akira159

The Black Star by xierxe

The Infinite Hunger by Sk_Gunoo

The Cleansing Fire (Doom Version) by Avalari

If you have a talent you'd like to show off, there is still time to enter the competition! To submit your entry, all you need to do is post in this thread.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
There's just over one week left of our {LINK REMOVED}Talent Competition so we wanted to take this opportunity to share some more of the awesome pieces we've seen so far! If you've been hard at work on your entry, make sure to submit it before entries close at 9pm on March 27 PDT.

The Maven's Champion by {LINK REMOVED}ievildemon

The Infinite Hunger by {LINK REMOVED}Akira159

The Black Star by {LINK REMOVED}xierxe

The Infinite Hunger by {LINK REMOVED}Sk_Gunoo

The Cleansing Fire (Doom Version) by {LINK REMOVED}Avalari

If you have a talent you'd like to show off, there is still time to enter the competition! To submit your entry, all you need to do is post in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.
almost 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

You've only got a few days left to submit your entries for our Talent Competition! While you put the finishing touches on your masterpieces, check out some more of the incredible pieces we've received so far! Make sure to submit your entries before the competition closes at 9pm on March 27 PDT.

The Searing Exarch by RogerLapin

Annihilator by ƙloƙɱacɧine

The Black Star by CtrlAltDel000

The Siege of the Atlas by HoldimProvae

The Eater of Worlds Clay Model by Vagisil6


Cleansing Fire/Last Outpost (Siege of the Atlas) - guitar by caladriel

If you have a talent you'd like to show off, there's still time to enter the competition! To submit your entry, all you need to do is post in this thread.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
You've only got a few days left to submit your entries for our {LINK REMOVED}Talent Competition! While you put the finishing touches on your masterpieces, check out some more of the incredible pieces we've received so far! Make sure to submit your entries before the competition closes at 9pm on March 27 PDT.

The Searing Exarch by {LINK REMOVED}RogerLapin

Annihilator by {LINK REMOVED}ƙloƙɱacɧine

The Black Star by {LINK REMOVED}CtrlAltDel000

The Siege of the Atlas by {LINK REMOVED}HoldimProvae

The Eater of Worlds Clay Model by {LINK REMOVED}Vagisil6

Cleansing Fire/Last Outpost (Siege of the Atlas) - guitar by {LINK REMOVED}caladriel

If you have a talent you'd like to show off, there's still time to enter the competition! To submit your entry, all you need to do is post in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.
about 2 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Last week, we announced the beginning of The Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition. There have already been a bunch of amazing submissions, and today we'd like to share some of them with you!

Flame Skull Trap by FuneralForDolls

Varakath, Slay Them! by DrEnzyme

Mahuxotl's Gingerbreadination by eemmbbeerr

Original Sin Sol Ring by RainyDayze

Varakath Digital Sculpture by Pollito1999

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.

about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Last week we announced the beginning of {LINK REMOVED}The Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition. There have already been some amazing submissions, and today we'd like to share some of them with you!

Flame Skull Trap by {LINK REMOVED}FuneralForDolls

Varakath, Slay Them! by {LINK REMOVED}DrEnzyme

Mahuxotl's Gingerbreadination by {LINK REMOVED}eemmbbeerr

Original Sin Sol Ring by {LINK REMOVED}RainyDayze

Varakath Digital Sculpture by {LINK REMOVED}Pollito1999

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.
about 2 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition is ongoing and there have been more awesome submissions that we wanted to share! Check them out below!

Lycia, Herald of the Scourge by SlySharp

Lycia and Beidat by mathesaurusrex

The Forbidden Sanctum by hunter_keska


"How's your resolve Exile?" by Varen_Dante


Victorious Exile, Varakath and Lycia by NatsataAble

The Forbidden Sanctum Poster by thiagolehmann

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.

about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Our {LINK REMOVED}Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition is ongoing and there have been more awesome submissions that we wanted to share! Check them out below!

Lycia, Herald of the Scourge by {LINK REMOVED}SlySharp

Lycia and Beidat by {LINK REMOVED}mathesaurusrex

The Forbidden Sanctum by {LINK REMOVED}hunter_keska

"How's your resolve Exile?" by {LINK REMOVED}Varen_Dante

Victorious Exile, Varakath and Lycia by {LINK REMOVED}NatsataAble

The Forbidden Sanctum Poster by {LINK REMOVED}thiagolehmann

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.
about 2 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

The Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition ends in a few hours, so you still have time to finish your submissions. We'll announce the winners by the end of the week. In the meantime, check out these highlights!

Knitted Sanctum Map by soyazhe

Divinia by Natilo

The Forbidden Sanctum - Animated Start Screen by ToBinge

"A Little Ranger Adventure: Sanctum Edition" by lolozori


Sanctum Bosses Embroidery by TofuMonsterHime

Divinia Emojis by LOLYFIRE

If you'd like to show off your own talent, be sure to post your entry in this thread before the competition closes on Monday the 6th of February at 6pm NZT (5th of February at 9pm PST).

about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
The {LINK REMOVED}Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition ends in a few hours, so you still have time to finish your submissions. We'll announce the winners by the end of the week. In the meantime, check out these highlights!

Knitted Sanctum Map by {LINK REMOVED}soyazhe

Divinia by {LINK REMOVED}Natilo

The Forbidden Sanctum - Animated Start Screen by {LINK REMOVED}ToBinge

Sanctum Bosses Embroidery by {LINK REMOVED}TofuMonsterHime


"A Little Ranger Adventure: Sanctum Edition" by {LINK REMOVED}lolozori

If you'd like to show off your own talent, be sure to post your entry in {LINK REMOVED}this thread before the competition closes on Monday the 6th of February at 6pm NZT (5th of February at 9pm PST).
about 1 year ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We announced the start of the Affliction Talent Competition last week and we've already seen so many amazing submissions! Check out some of the highlights in today's news post.

What To Do When You're Tired Of Mapping - dtflamer

King in the Mists - lolozori

King in the Mists - Flopis

Affliction Metal Theme - Superpie43

Too Many Wisps - harderblush

Affliction Stickers - Kursed_one

Tread Lightly - StellaTheSlaya

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.

about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
We announced the start of the Affliction Talent Competition last week and we've already seen so many amazing submissions! Check out some of the highlights in today's news post.

What To Do When You're Tired Of Mapping - {LINK REMOVED}dtflamer

King in the Mists - {LINK REMOVED}lolozori

King in the Mists - {LINK REMOVED}Flopis

Affliction Metal Theme - {LINK REMOVED}Superpie43

Too Many Wisps - {LINK REMOVED}harderblush

Affliction Stickers - {LINK REMOVED}Kursed_one

Tread Lightly - {LINK REMOVED}StellaTheSlaya

There's still plenty of time to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.

about 1 year ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're halfway through the Affliction Talent Competition and the incredible submissions from our talented community keep rolling in! Check out some of the highlights in today's news post.

Goblin Troupe Cosplay - tinyxtato


Blighted Pustules in the Viridian Wildwood - Madly500

Gingerbread King in the Mists - eemmbbeerr


Affliction Tarot Cards - NeiridaSama


Primal Huntress - ReTiNiA

There's still a couple of weeks left to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.

about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
We're halfway through the {LINK REMOVED}Affliction Talent Competition and the incredible submissions from our talented community keep rolling in! Check out some of the highlights in today's news post.

Goblin Troupe Cosplay - {LINK REMOVED}tinyxtato

Blighted Pustules in the Viridian Wildwood - {LINK REMOVED}Madly500

Gingerbread King in the Mists - {LINK REMOVED}eemmbbeerr

Affliction Tarot Cards - {LINK REMOVED}NeiridaSama

Primal Huntress - {LINK REMOVED}ReTiNiA

There's still a couple of weeks left to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in {LINK REMOVED}this thread.

about 1 year ago - Community_Team - Direct link

With just one week remaining to get your submissions in for the Affliction Talent Competition, we decided to highlight some of our favorites so far! Check them out below!

The Wildwood Juice Bar - MisterHalloween


The Breaker of Oaths Diorama - Penny_a


The Primal Huntress - Lilith_The_DarkOne

King in the Mists - Saviren


King in the Mists 3D Model - Pravaltar

about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
With just one week remaining to get your submissions in for the {LINK REMOVED}Affliction Talent Competition, we decided to highlight some of our favorites so far! Check them out below!

The Wildwood Juice Bar - {LINK REMOVED}MisterHalloween

The Breaker of Oaths Diorama - {LINK REMOVED}Penny_a

The Primal Huntress - {LINK REMOVED}Lilith_The_DarkOne

King in the Mists - {LINK REMOVED}Saviren

King in the Mists 3D Model - {LINK REMOVED}Pravaltar

about 1 year ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Entry to the Affliction Talent Competition is closing in a few hours! We've had so many amazing submissions over the last month and we can't wait to share the winners with you next week. Check out some recent highlights below!

The Warden of Eaves - AKS97

The Eye of Destiny Guitar Cover - caladriel

Into the Wildwood - ƙloƙɱacɧine


Mist Shaman - Karnivorous


The Warden of Eaves - мусорка


Primalist Leather Wallet - manwecz


about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Entry to the {LINK REMOVED}Affliction Talent Competition is closing in a few hours! We've had so many amazing submissions over the last month and we can't wait to share the winners with you next week. Check out some recent highlights below!

The Warden of Eaves - {LINK REMOVED}AKS97

The Eye of Destiny Guitar Cover - {LINK REMOVED}caladriel

Into the Wildwood - {LINK REMOVED}ƙloƙɱacɧine

Mist Shaman - {LINK REMOVED}Karnivorous

The Warden of Eaves - {LINK REMOVED}мусорка

Primalist Leather Wallet - {LINK REMOVED}manwecz