about 1 year
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Earlier this week we welcomed a new year and summarised the events of the past year in our annual retrospective. Today let's take a look at some of the highlights of 2023 that happened within the Path of Exile community.
In the past year our players celebrated league launches with great cosplays. ExileCon 2023 has also gathered together some amazing cosplayers from our community.
2023 gave our players an opportunity to finally meet their fellow Exiles, developers and favourite content creators in person at ExileCon, Gamescom and PAX West.

The past year created memorable moments for many Exiles:
In 2023 our players continued to amaze us with their talents by participating in various community competitions:

Some well-known Path of Exile community members

Once again, we'd like to thank our community for another great year for Path of Exile. We've got a big one ahead, stay tuned!