almost 4 years
ago -
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For the final poll in our community-designed Divination Card series, we are inviting you to vote for the card’s artwork! In the second poll, our community voted that the card will redeem for ‘Any Unique Watchstone’ and in last week’s poll, you decided that ‘The Hook - Every obsession began with a single, innocent taste’ will be the name and flavour text of the card. Check out the ‘hook’ inspired art below and vote for your favourite in the poll above. When you are selecting your choice, a preview of the completed card will be displayed below! This poll will be open for one week.
Once the artwork has been decided, the card will be complete! We are expecting to release the Divination Card alongside our 3.14 expansion. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process. We can’t wait for you to find your creation on your adventures through Wraeclast!
var cardName = 'The Hook';var flavourText = 'Every obsession began with a single, innocent taste';var rewardText = 'Any Unique Watchstone';document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { require(['plugins', 'main'], function() { require(['jquery', 'PoE/View/DivinationCard/Preview'], function($, DivinationCard) { var cardImages = [ '','','', '', ]; var setCardPreview = function (time){ var text = $('input[type=radio][name=poll_option]:checked').parent('label').text(); var value = $('input[type=radio][name=poll_option]:checked').val(); if(text.length > 0) { var selected = text.split(' - '); var card = new DivinationCard({ el: $(document).find('.card-container'), model: { name: cardName, flavourText: flavourText, showImage: true, cardImage: cardImages[value -1] } }); } else{ var card = new DivinationCard({ el: $(document).find('.card-container'), model: { name: cardName, flavourText: flavourText, showImage: false } }); } setTimeout(function(){ $('.card-container .card-reward').html(' * ' + rewardText).css('visibility','visible'); }, time); } setCardPreview(100); $(document).on('change', 'input[type=radio][name=poll_option]', function (event) { setCardPreview(0) }); }); });});.card-container { width: 270px; margin: 10px auto;}.card-container .card-warning{ display:none;}.card-container .card-reward{ visibility: hidden; padding-top: 4%;}
Option A

Option B

Option C

Option D