over 2 years
ago -
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We're launching a competition to design the best Path of Exile T-shirt! We will also be awarding prizes to the most compelling entries!
We're looking for a T-shirt design that will be awesome to wear out and about in the community, while still being instantly recognisable to other Path of Exile players. Maybe it'll have a clever slogan, a cool image or a meme that only our community would understand. We're really excited to see what you'll come up with!
Top Three
- The Lord's Labyrinth Gamebook
- Path of Exile Art Print signed by Developers
- Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)
- Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)
- Your choice of Back Attachment or Wings (any Back Attachment or Wings from the store)
- Your choice of a Portal Effect (any Portal Effect from the store)
- Your choice of Footprints Effect (any Footprints Effect from the store)
4th-5th Place
- Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaper or Untainted Paradise)
- Your choice of an Armour Set (any Armour Set from the store)
- Your choice of Back Attachment or Wings (any Back Attachment or Wings from the store)
- Your choice of a Helmet or Helmet Effect (any Helmet/Helmet Effect from the store)
6th-10th Place
- Your choice of an Armour Set (an Armour Set from the list below)
- Your choice of a Portal Effect (a Portal Effect from the list below)
- Your choice of a Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
11th-20th Place
- Your choice of a Portal Effect (a Portal Effect from the list below)
- Your choice of a Helmet Effect (a Helmet Effect from the list below)
List of Armour Sets
- Arcane Armour Set
- Arctic Armour Set
- Arctic Crystal Armour Set
- Automaton Armour Set
- Balefire Armour Set
- Blood Guard Armour Set
- Carnage Armour Set
- Coliseum Armour Set
- Darkprism Armour Pack
- Demon King Armour Set
- Desert Armour Set
- Dragon Armour Set
- Elite Armour Set
- Extinction Armour Set
- Executioner Armour Set
- Fallen Angel Armour Set
- Faith Guard Armour Set
- Ghostflame Armour Set
- Gloom Armour Set
- Gorgon Armour Set
- Gore Armour Set
- Gothic Armour Set
- Gryffon Armour Set
- Harlequin Armour Set
- Harpyon Armour Set
- Huntsman Armour Set
- Ice Armour Set
- Ivory Chaos Armour Set
- Lightning Armour Set
- Lunaris Armour Set
- Mageguard Armour Set
- Malachai Armour Set
- Madcap Armour Set
- Merchant Armour Pack
- Miracle Armour Set
- Mystic Armour Set
- Necrotic Armour Set
- Pitch Black Armour Set
- Polar Armour Set
- Pure Light Armour Set
- Purple Necrotic Armour Set
- Purple Crystal Armour Set
- Radiant Armour Set
- Raven Armour Set
- Rapture Armour Set
- Ringmaster Armour Set
- Seawitch Armour Set
- Seraph Armour Set
- Sphinx Armour Set
- Steam-Powered Armour Set
- Stormcaller Armour Set
- Temple Armour Pack
- Vampiric Armour Set
- Verdant Armour Set
- Warlock Armour Set
- Wasteland Warrior Armour Set
- Wild Armour Set
- Water Elemental Armour Set
- Wrangler Armour Set
- Arcane Demon King Portal
- Arcane Portal
- Arcane Voidgate Portal Effect
- Arctic Crystal Portal Effect
- Arctic Portal Effect
- Automaton Portal Effect
- Balefire Portal Effect
- Daresso Portal
- Darkprism Portal Effect
- Demon King Portal
- Divine Arcane Portal Effect
- Divine Demon King Portal
- Divine Stygian Portal Effect
- Dreadspire Portal Effect
- Faith Guard Portal Effect
- Infernal Demon King Portal Effect
- Golden Angel Portal Effect
- Gore Portal
- Gorgon Portal Effect
- Havenwood Portal Effect
- Huntsman Portal Effect
- Kaom Portal
- Kraken Portal Effect
- Madcap Portal Effect
- Malachai Portal
- Maraketh Portal Effect
- Miracle Portal Effect
- Mystic Portal
- Necrotic Demon King Portal
- Necrotic Portal Effect
- Orange Portal Effect
- Project Portal Effect
- Pure Light Portal
- Resonator Portal Effect
- Ringmaster Portal Effect
- Scientist Portal Effect
- Sentinel Portal Effect
- Seraph Portal Effect
- Spirit Portal Effect
- Steam-Powered Portal
- Stygian Ghostflame Portal Effect
- Sulphite Portal Effect
- Temple Portal Effect
- Ultimate Chaos Portal
- Vampiric Portal Effect
- Wasteland Portal Effect
- Wild Portal Effect
- Wrangler Portal Effect
- Abyss Eyes
- Antlers
- Apocalypse Helmet Attachment
- Aquila Crest Helmet Attachment
- Arcane Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Arcane Halo
- Arcane Mark of the Phoenix
- Arcane Visage
- Arctic Crown
- Arctic Skull
- Assassin Halo Helmet Attachment
- Assassin Seer Helmet Attachment
- Aureate Halo
- Automaton Halo
- Bent Horns
- Black Headband
- Black Pirate Bandana
- Bleached Skull Helmet
- Blood Guard Helmet Attachment
- Brilliant Crown
- Brilliant Feathers
- Chaos Orb Helmet
- Coliseum Helmet Attachment
- Corrupted Skull
- Cow Skull
- Curved Horns
- Darkprism Helmet Attachment
- Demon King Horns
- Despair Helmet Attachment
- Divine Ice Crown
- Divine Sign
- Divine Skull
- Dragon Mask
- Eye Patch
- Faith Guard Helmet Attachment
- Fiery Eyes
- Fiery Visage
- Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Frost Viking Alternate Helmet
- Frost Viking Helmet Attachment
- Ghostflame Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Ghostflame Skull
- Glowing Red Eyes
- Gore Skull
- Gorgon Snakes Helmet Attachment
- Guardian Mask
- Harmonious Helmet Attachment
- Harmonious Hood
- Holy Eyes
- Ice Crown
- Ice Horns
- Incursion Hood
- Infernal Skull
- Innocence Laurel Helmet Attachment
- Iron Brand
- Iron Maiden
- Lightning Eyes
- Lightning Skull
- Mark of the Phoenix
- Medusa Snakes
- Misery Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Misery Helmet Attachment
- Nightfall Helmet Attachment
- Oriath Helmet Attachment
- Plague Doctor Helmet
- Purple Divine Sign
- Purple Eyes
- Purple Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Purple Skull Helmet
- Purple Smoking Hood
- Rapture Helmet Attachment
- Red Headband
- Red Pirate Bandana
- Rose Skull
- Serrated Mohawk
- Sin and Innocence Helmet Attachment
- Sin Talon Helmet Attachment
- Skull Hood
- Smoking Hood
- Spirit Charm
- Steam-powered Skull
- Suffering Helmet Attachment
- Sunrise Helmet Attachment
- Swan Crest Helmet Attachment
- Thorned Skull
- Twilight Helmet Attachment
- Twisted Bone Horns
- Twisted Horns
- Undead Outcast Helmet
- Vaal Orb Helmet
- Wasteland Horns
Submission Guidelines
Your entry doesn't have to be an image. While images are of course preferable, even a textual description is good enough if it's really clever and would make a great T-shirt.Your submission must be 100% your own work. You're allowed to refer to Path of Exile content and use its art assets, but please don't submit full screenshots from the game. Your design should be easily identifiable as a reference to Path of Exile. All designs must be appropriate for an audience of most ages. No nudity, profanity or overtly mature themes. Keep it classy!Remember that various constraints apply to the physical shirt creation process. While a shirt that consists of the entire Skill Tree wrapped around your body may be awesome, it's not necessarily something that we're able to print easily. We'll be taking these considerations into account when selecting winners. Also, we're hoping people will be able to wear these shirts in public without feeling silly. A realistic picture of a Templar with no pants might be an awesome in-joke, but people might not want to actually wear it outside.
How to Submit your Entry
Submissions will be accepted until Monday, 17th October at 9am (NZT). Once your entry is ready, please post it in this thread. You're welcome to submit multiple different designs and we encourage people to discuss each other's submissions as they're posted. Seeing the community's reaction to submissions may help us in the judging process.To post an image, first upload it to an image hosting website like imgur.com and paste the link into a forum-reply and use the img tags.
Selecting the Winners
Winning entries will be selected via the creative teams at Grinding Gear Games. We'll be selecting entries that we feel would make great shirts and are able to be produced. The winning designs will be announced within a week of the end of the contest.Please note:
- By submitting an entry, you grant us permission to use that entry for any purpose including commercial sale.
- Submitted entries must not use copyrighted material (other than Path of Exile material which they can contain).
- Selection of winners will be performed by Grinding Gear Games. All decisions are final.
- If we make your design into a shirt, you'll get a copy.
- We'll ship the prizes internationally for free, but you are responsible for any taxes that need to be paid to get them into your country.
If you like a design that you see in this thread, please post to let people know!