about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

As you know, this November we hosted ExileCon, our very first Path of Exile convention, where we announced Path of Exile 2, our recent Conquerors of the Atlas expansion and the experimental Mobile project. In addition, over the ExileCon weekend some of our developers gave various presentations where they shared their experience in different areas of game development. We'll be publishing these talks in our news in the upcoming weeks. Today we're starting with a presentation about world building for Path of Exile 2 from our art director and one of the GGG founders, Erik Olofsson. In this video Erik explains our approach to creating the atmosphere, areas, characters and items of Path of Exile 2, and then answers some questions from ExileCon attendees. Watch the video below:

about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1690470748492708339]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
As you know, this November we hosted ExileCon, our very first Path of Exile convention, where we announced Path of Exile 2, our recent Conquerors of the Atlas expansion and the experimental Mobile project. In addition, over the ExileCon weekend some of our developers gave various presentations where they shared their experience in different areas of game development. We'll be publishing these talks in our news in the upcoming weeks. Today we're starting with a presentation about world building for Path of Exile 2 from our art director and one of the GGG founders, Erik Olofsson. In this video Erik explains our approach to creating the atmosphere, areas, characters and items of Path of Exile 2, and then answers some questions from ExileCon attendees. Watch the video below: