almost 2 years
ago -
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To celebrate the launch of Crucible, we're hosting a Boss Kill Event where Path of Exile players can compete to kill the Uber Eater of Worlds and Searing Exarch in Crucible Ruthless Hardcore Solo Self-found mode.
Prizes are awarded to the first three players who defeat both The Uber Eater of Worlds and The Uber Searing Exarch.
Prizes for First Place
- Transferable Ultra VIP Ticket to ExileCon (Ticket only - flights and accommodation are not included. This ticket can be gifted or sold to others if you're unable to attend)
- Work with our design team to design a new Unique Item to add to Path of Exile
Prizes for Second and Third Place
- Transferable VIP Ticket to ExileCon (Ticket only - flights and accommodation are not included. This ticket can be gifted or sold to others if you're unable to attend)
Console Prizes
The first players to beat both The Uber Eater of Worlds and The Uber Searing Exarch on Xbox and PlayStation will win the following:- Transferable VIP Ticket to ExileCon (Ticket only - flights and accommodation are not included. This ticket can be gifted or sold to others if you're unable to attend)
Additional Rules:
- If there are operational problems with the event (like significant realm stability issues at launch), Grinding Gear Games may restart the event at any point. The way we will do this is to create a new event league and indicate that players who wish to compete in the new event must make new characters there.
- Players who migrate from a private league to the event league during the event are ineligible for prizes.
- Placings and prize eligibility are entirely at the discretion of Grinding Gear Games.
- While the event being SSF reduces a lot of scope for outside help, any form of account sharing (or other breaches of the Terms of Use) will disqualify a player from receiving prizes.
- Grinding Gear Games Employees (past or present) are not eligible for prizes.
- Players who have played on the Alpha realm since March 30th 2023 (when the expansion was first deployed) are not eligible for prizes.
- You must kill both bosses on a single character. Accumulating kills between characters, or using multiple characters to kill a boss will not count.
- Dying or migrating your character out of the league doesn't remove prize eligibility as long as the kill occurred while in the league.