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Today, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at some Ritual statistics to see how everyone is faring and what kinds of rewards players are taking away from Rituals!
- Rituals Started: 624,332,098
- Rituals Completed: 600,943,858
- Rituals Failed: 23,371,627
As you can see, players have been extremely busy with Rituals. This comes out to 20,139,745 Rituals run per day since Ritual began (at the time of writing), or just over 23 Rituals every second!
Completion rate of Rituals is actually quite high, at just over 96%.
So, lots of Rituals have been completed, but let's take a look at what players are running Rituals for in the first place: rewards!
.posttable th { font-weight: bold;text-align: center; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ border: 1px solid #111 !important; padding: 2px !important; background: #000; text-align: center; } ItemNumber of Favours Bought Fishing Rod69Mirror of Kalandra346Headhunter553Exalted Orb714,797Delirium Orb 2,659,650Scarab11,960,394Orb of Fusing16,542,675Chaos Orb 32,283,049
As noted above, these are the times that a given Favour was bought from a Ritual, but doesn't factor in stack sizes (where applicable). It's worth keeping in mind that the numbers above reflect how often a reward was taken, rather than how often it was offered. So while Scarabs appear to be almost as common as Orbs of Fusing, since players have full control over what they purchase, the items that players value will see higher than usual representation.
If you're wondering how many maps you'd need to run on average before you'll be offered a Mirror of Kalandra, wonder no more. Just over 500,000! So what are you still reading for?
That wraps up part one of our Ritual Statistics. Are there any other specific items you'd like to know the frequency of? Let us know and we'll do our best to include some of them in part two, coming next week!