almost 2 years
ago -
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We now have a good grasp on final capacity numbers for our ExileCon event in July, so we're able to make the last small wave of ExileCon tickets available for purchase at the end of this week. These are regular and balcony ExileCon tickets, as the VIP and Ultra VIP tickets are completely sold out.
The remaining regular tickets will be available for purchase at 2pm on Thursday 27th of April. This is Apr 27, 2023 5:00 PM (EDT) in your local time. (You will need to be logged in to view the local time).
There will be approximately 77 balcony tickets ($210 USD) and 179 regular tickets ($230 USD) available to purchase. These will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. To get yours, go to at the time the sale starts.
Please also note that the name on your ticket needs to match your photo ID, so when purchasing a second ticket for your friend or a family member, make sure that the name on that ticket matches their photo ID.
This is likely to be the final wave of tickets, so if you are planning to attend ExileCon in person, don't miss out on them! We can't reserve tickets for you, so the only way to get one from this last batch is to be online at exactly the time they go on sale. Good luck!