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about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Hey everyone, just wanted to pop in here and say that we raised feedback around Oshabi's fight to do with how map mods affect the fight as well as the rewards. We don't have anything to report just yet but our understanding is that there's some discussion taking place. We'll report back with more information when possible.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by AKettleOFish

Can we also prevent Sirus from invading our harvest area? I was incredibly frustrated when I got my first ever harvest boss and Sirus influenced mobs made it so I couldn't complete the fight (in addition to losing 2 portals to the game crashing).

Edited for grammar

We've checked with the team and the fix for Sirus invading subareas such as the Harvest garden, among others, should be included in the next realm-restart patch.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by wrecker_of_days

Awesome! Will the sub-areas be listed in the patch notes?

The subareas include: The Forbidden Grove, Incursion encounters, Betrayal Laboratories, Synthesis Fragments and Conqueror arenas.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Lucco1

...synthesis fragments...? Is this a sneaky leak...?

Internally, we sometimes call Synthesis areas "Memory Fragments".