almost 2 years
ago -
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We've interviewed a lot of our staff in the past and wanted to round them all up in case you missed them. Check out the list in today's news post, which includes interviews with members from the art team, audio team and even our gameplay programmers! Check them out below!
- Kamil - Lead Composer
- Jasper - 3D Artist
- Hrishi - Game Designer
- Alex - Physics Programmer
- Blake - Environmental Artist
- Felipe - VFX
- Openarl - Gameplay Programmer
- Matt - Narrative Designer
- Bex - Community Manager
- James - Game Designer
- Eben - Video Creation
- Jeff - Console Producer
- Audio Team - The Sound of Path of Exile
- Audio Team - The Sound of Path of Exile: Expedition
- Audio Team - The Sound of Sentinels
- Nick - Community Team
- Michael C - Supporting Composer