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The Endless Delve Event
We're beginning the series of Path of Exile events with a 10-day Endless Delve on PC at noon December 3rd (PST)! Registration opens 30 minutes before the event begins.Check out the full announcement to find out more about the event and its prizepool.
Cursed Supporter Pack is Available on Nexus
We're happy to introduce the Cursed Supporter Pack on Nexus! This means you can support your favourite streamer and get awesome new pirate-themed cosmetic effects. If you're not familiar with how Nexus works, check out this news post.The Cursed Supporter Pack costs 60 USD and contains 200 points, an Armour Set, an alternate helmet, footprints and a pet. Watch the video below:
Please note that the Cursed Boots look like a peg leg only when equipped with the Cursed Body Armour, they'll look like regular boots with all other body armours.
To purchase the Cursed Supporter Pack, follow your favourite streamer/creator's link to their Nexus store. Please note that this Supporter Pack is available only on Nexus and won't appear in the Path of Exile store.