about 4 years
ago -
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We've had a few requests to provide an update on what duration to expect for the Ritual League. The short answer is that we plan to stick with our 12-13 week development cycle. The longer answer is that we're expecting to release our 3.14 expansion in early-mid April with the Ritual League ending roughly five days before its release. We'll keep you updated as the exact dates become locked in.
We're planning to announce this expansion's content via a livestream on www.twitch.tv/pathofexile like we did for 3.13. We had a lot of fun with that format and are really looking forward to seeing how we can improve these presentations over time. We're also looking to see if we can find some interesting surprises to show off as well.
It's worth noting that the scope of 3.14 is smaller than 3.13, which was itself larger than the average expansion. 3.14 should still include all the normal things you'd expect like a fresh challenge league, balance changes, new items and more.
As usual, we're aiming to create four expansions this year and will keep you updated throughout the year on what to expect from these. We're very excited about 2021!