over 3 years
ago -
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Creating a dedicated merchandise store for Path of Exile is something we've wanted to do for a long time but have always been blocked by solving the logistics of it (like the cost of shipping products to and then from New Zealand). Ultimately, there was enough in the way that it just hasn't ended up happening.
After looking at all the options, we're happy to reveal that we're currently collaborating with J!NX to bring the idea of a dedicated Path of Exile merchandise store to fruition. We've worked with J!NX many times in the past to create goodies for past supporter packs as well as all of our ExileCon Merchandise. We really enjoy working with their team and are happy with the quality of their products (their team has also requested we state that they're exceptionally good looking). We're confident that making this store with their team is the right choice for us and the community.
We're currently still in the early phases of planning and while discussing potential designs, we thought what better than to ask the question directly - what do you, the community, want? We want to know what sort of things you'd like to own (like socks, stickers, hoodies, hats) and what sort of designs you'd like to see. Direct suggestions for desired themes are encouraged! We're open to hearing any and all preferences and will sort through all the feedback as a reference point for future discussions.
Note: Please only post suggestions that you are happy for us to use for making and selling merchandise without attribution or royalties. With this in mind, please do not post fully fledged visual designs. We're looking for ideas only and will create the designs collaboratively with the J!NX team.
Let us know what you think!