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As titled. It would be great to have some sort of indicator where in the 1-2-3 part of the swing count you’re at. Maybe have your weapon glow or have a counter in a fixed place, or have the swing animation do a little stutter (pause then speed up) so it looks like a more dramatic, powerful swing.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


What do you mean by "desyncronised"? That doesn't sound like a thing that can happen.

Ruthless counts uses of a skill, and applies to every third use. Multistrike causes each use of a skill to repeat twice. That doesn't cause more uses. If you have both on the same skill, then every use of the skill will have two repeats, and every third use (including its repeats) will be Ruthless and deal more damage.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by dotasopher

Can Glacial Hammer and Ruthless become desynchronized?

They can't really be particularly syncronised in the first place, since they're tracking entirely different things. Glacial Hammer is tracking successive strikes with the skill, and a given skill use will make one or more strikes (depending on when it repeats). And they have to be directly successive, doing anything else "breaks the streak".

If you never repeat with glacial hammer, so each skill use does a single strike, then Ruthless is still going to be every third use, while glacial hammer's bonus is applied if you use the skill (and thus strike) three times in a row without doing anything else, so they'll be doing different things if you ever use the skill a number of succesive times that's not a multiple of 3.