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During Delve, I decided to finish the last few achievements I had left to round out my "poe experience". I slogged through All Ears (failing twice) and no stone unturned. Got lucky with a 5 essence, etc. And I was done. It's one of my proudest gaming achievements (next to 100%ing Super Meat Boy).

Betrayal comes along and changes the masters. Lo and behold, while progressing through my usual 36/40 challenges, I notice that my achievement list had dropped from 120/120 to 119/120; obviously, the culprit was the new masters list and my lack of favor with them.

I was perturbed, but I powered through them, expect for Alva, which took me a week of research and dedicated T3 room hunting, and trade 820 spamming (there was a very little public information and the little helpful notification bubble hadn't been credited or expanded on yet). But I endured it, because now I would be done with 120/120 once and for all.

In comes Synthesis, which adds Jun to the list, and AGAIN, I'm back down to 119/120. Now, despite having already progressed fairly significantly through the league (34/40, 94 char, 93 char), my Jun is still at level 6 and I can't level her further. I've been trying for ten days now.

First, you have to find Jun. We already know how difficult this is. You get one daily, a slight random chance, and a possible prophecy. During a day of playing (like on a weekend), where I can put in 8-10 hours of play in one sitting, I'm lucky if I encounter Jun (by any of the aforementioned means) 8 or more times. Mind you, I'm also trying to complete my last two challenges, which force me to engage with the Nexus, not to mention all of the other mechanics that pull you in different directions lest you want to sacrifice the gains from any one of them (delving, alva temples, nexus, etc.).

Let's say I do encounter Jun, there's a chance I won't get all three encounters and only see two. That happens maybe 80% of the time.

The crux of leveling Jun is to defeat all masters when they are at rank 3. This is essentially an exercise in futility. First, you have to meet the same master multiple times. Additionally, when you meet them, you have to be given the option to rank them up.

Well, at some point in the last few patches, they must have tuned down the number of opportunities we get to rank up a master, because I get the option to "+1 to rank" maybe 30% of the time.

And if that's not enough RNG for you, syndicate progress is character bound. So, if you DO want to rank up all the masters to rank 3, you have to do it on one character (it may be possible to target different masters on different characters, but there's no confirmation).

I think I have 184 hours played in this league already, and I still have to kill three more masters at rank 3 and I don't see myself reaching that mark any time soon.

And I'm doing all of this to earn the same achievement I have earned twice before because GGG decides to retroactively undo all that work. This has been a terrible player experience.


My third time completing the same achievement. Leveling Jun to rank 7 has been an exercise in futility. Still three masters away from ranking her up despite going hard all league.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RhysGGG - Direct link

First of all, achievements "uncompleting" is definitely a bug, and shouldn't be happening. I will look into this.

Regarding the Master decoration levels (and the Forsaken Masters achievement), we intentionally pitched these to not be too difficult, in terms of time-to-grind. This is why you don't need to fully complete anything to reach level 7 for them:

  • Zana level 7 only requires you to complete 120/159ish maps on the Atlas.
  • Einhar level 7 only requires capturing 160/270ish different monsters in the Bestiary.
  • Niko level 7 only requires delving to a depth 200, compared to 600 for the achievement in Delve League.
  • Alva level 7 only requires 70/73 rooms explored in the Temple.
  • Jun level 7 only requires 50/57 ranks defeated.

For clarity, Alva and Jun are not quite as straight-forward as the others, and worth elaborating on.

For Alva, there are 24 types of rooms each with 3 tiers, plus the Apex. Thus, a total of 73 rooms. Exploring higher-tier rooms will automatically grant their corresponding lower-tier versions, though they count as different rooms and have different names. So you can max out Alva by exploring the Apex plus 21/24 rooms at tier 3 plus the rest at tier 2.

For Jun, there are 18 Syndicate members with ranks from zero to three, plus the Mastermind, who always counts as rank 3. Thus 57 total ranks. Defeating a highly ranked member will automatically grant that member's lower ranks. So you can max out Jun by defeating the Mastermind plus 11/18 regular members at rank 3 plus the rest at rank 2.

To "defeat" a Syndicate member means to reduce their life to zero, which brings them to their knees to offer you a choice. The choice itself doesn't matter for this; they are already defeated at this point. You can make whichever choice you like (or no choice at all) and they will still be defeated.

It is possible that some of these achievements are too hard at the moment, though of course they are highly dependent on the ease-of-access and overall difficulty of the relevant content. We will consider feedback and may make changes.

over 5 years ago - /u/RhysGGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Notsomebeans

please reread what i said. i know that master levels are kept between leagues. Progress between levels is not.

It's intended.

over 5 years ago - /u/RhysGGG - Direct link

Originally posted by nomnaut

While I had to suffer through it, I am SO glad you made this post to help people out in the future. Kudos.

Update: we're improving our systems to automatically fix this kind of thing (losing achievements due to changing requirements). We actually do store completed achievements, so we can recover from this type of error.

Even if you stop trying to level Jun now, you should get the achievement again at some point soon.

over 5 years ago - /u/RhysGGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Metaluca


Will the completed room be combined when the server merging (standard + synthesis) occurs? I'm tired of not getting her to lvl 7... Jun was so easy to get in comparison.

Alva's room exploration should get merged into Standard, yes.