Hey Exiles,
There appears to be a great deal of excitement surrounding the Elementalist changes and Divine Ire.
Heads Up: Divine Ire is currently bugged. Every 3rd time (roughly) you end the channel and cast the laser, the laser does not render on screen. It is invisible. It still does damage, but the laser doesn't draw (the mobs either drop dead in a row or they burn for a short time, then die). It happens more frequently if you use LMB/Move to break your channel to cast the beam (which you will find is the most effective way after you play DI for a while). It also happens at a higher frequency if you are casting beams after only gaining a few stages (which is 95% of the time while mapping)
This can be "fixed" by changing your network mode from Lockstep to Predictive, but in my experience the bug still presents itself, just at a much lower frequency. And for some of us, playing in Predictive leads to lag spikes often.
There are multiple videos of this bug on YouTube. As well as many bug report posts about this on the forum dating back to when the bug was introduced around the time of the Harvest League launch (June/July).
Now, this bug sounds pretty minor, but when playing DI it is extremely noticeable and distracting and just feels bad. My hope is that GGG can get this fixed in the first couple of hotfixes of 3.13 so that reddit isn't flooded with "ZOMG DI BUGGED AND UNPLAYABLE, WAY TO GO GGG"
Thanks, hope you folks have a great 3.13 launch and may RNGesus shine his favor upon you all.
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