about 4 years
ago -
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We're excited to announce that community member lowkeyripper has purchased a Divination Card design to share with the community. We'll host a series of polls so that the community can decide on each aspect of the card before it's finalised and released into the game! Today's poll will decide the item type the card will redeem for. Place your vote now!
This poll will run for one week. Once the item category has been decided from this poll, another will be placed to determine which item within that category will be selected. After that, we'll use polls to determine the general theme, then provide suggestions for names, suggestions for flavour text and then some art concepts. Each stage will involve the community placing their vote for their preferred outcome.
We can't wait to see what the community designs and the legacy it contributes to Path of Exile. Thanks again to lowkeyripper for setting this up!