over 2 years
ago -
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For the launch of the Sentinel League on consoles, we opened the Boss Kill Event to all our console players to compete for prizes! All winners have been locked in and we'd like to congratulate them!
For this console event, players had to be the first of five to complete all seven Uber Pinnacle Boss Encounters in their respective SSF Sentinel Leagues:
- The Uber Eater of Worlds
- The Uber Searing Exarch
- The Uber Maven
- Uber Sirus
- Uber Venarius
- Uber Uber Elder
- Uber Shaper
The prizes awarded to our winners are as follows, each for PlayStation and Xbox:
- 1st Place: Collaborate on the design of a Divination Card, and receive a Godslayer's Pride microtransaction.
- 2nd-5th Place: Receive a Godslayer's Pride microtransaction.
The following players were the first to defeat all seven Uber Pinnacle Boss Encounters in the Solo Self-found Sentinel League on PlayStation:- #1: shawn_33179
- #2: sunjianoman
- #3: DoctoreSpartan
- #4: TTlemon654
- #5: Max_Planck
The following players were the first to defeat all seven Uber Pinnacle Boss Encounters in the Solo Self-found Sentinel League on Xbox:- #1: Blaze Amk
- #2: Sabin C3112
- #3: Bryndlebee
- #4: Always Complain
- #5: ImperfectGnat55
Congratulations to all winners! Thanks again to everyone who participated!