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In preparation for the Path of Exile: The Forbidden Sanctum expansion, we've gathered up all the Item Filter information you need to help you get ready for the launch.
If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry too much! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of The Forbidden Sanctum.
New Items
Item Class: Skill Gem
- Frozen Legion
- Volcanic Fissure
- Vaal Volcanic Fissure
- Vaal Cleave
- Vaal Flicker Strike
- Vaal Blade Flurry
- Vaal Venom Gyre
- Vaal Molten Strike
- Vaal Caustic Arrow
- Vaal Smite
Item Class: Support Gem
- Hex Bloom Support
- Cursed Ground Support
Item Class: Divination Card
- Man With Bear
- Alivia's Grace
- Auspicious Ambitions
- Divine Beauty
- The Wedding Gift
- The Insane Cat
- Ever-Changing
- A Dusty Memory
- The Return of the Rat
- The Finishing Touch
Item Class: Stackable Currency
- Fracturing Orb
- Fracturing Shard
Item Class: Relic
- Urn Relic
- Tome Relic
- Coffer Relic
- Censer Relic
- Papyrus Relic
- Candlestick Relic
- Processional Relic
Item Class: Sanctified Relic
- Sanctified Relic
Other changes
Pantheon Souls
- Captured Soul of Captain Clayborne, The Accursed renamed to Captured Soul of Captain Tanner Lightfoot
- Captured Soul of Ara, Sister of Light renamed to Captured Soul of Captain Clayborne, The Accursed
- Captured Soul of Queen of the Great Tangle renamed to Captured Soul of Maligaro the Mutilator
- Captured Soul of Void Anomaly renamed to Captured Soul of Armala, the Widow
- Captured Soul of Megaera renamed to Captured Soul of Jorus, Sky's Edge
- Captured Soul of Fire and Fury renamed to Captured Soul of Forest of Flames
- Captured Soul of Kitava, The Destroyer renamed to Captured Soul of Lord of the Ashen Arrow
- Captured Soul of Burtok, Conjurer of Bones renamed to Captured Soul of Corruptor Eedaiak
- Captured Soul of Titan of the Grove renamed to Captured Soul of Khor, Sister of Shadows
- Captured Soul of Mephod, the Earth Scorcher renamed to Captured Soul of Megaera
- Captured Soul of Pagan Bishop of Agony renamed to Captured Soul of Varhesh, Shimmering Aberration
- Captured Soul of Visceris renamed to Captured Soul of Pesquin, the Mad Baron
- Captured Soul of Lycius, Midnight's Howl renamed to Captured Soul of Gorulis, Will-Thief
Map Tiers
Tier 1
- Strand
- Mausoleum
- Lava Lake
- Terrace
Tier 2
- Moon Temple
- Arachnid Tomb
- Crimson Temple
- Castle Ruins
- Cage
- Forking River
- Spider Forest
- Alleyways
Tier 3
- Bone Crypt
- Museum
- Phantasmagoria
- Port
- Coves
- Caldera
- Sepulchre
- Plateau
Tier 4
- Atoll
- Shore
- Vaal Pyramid
- Residence
- Coral Ruins
- Spider Lair
- Thicket
- Arachnid Nest
Tier 5
- Temple
- Courtyard
- Acid Caverns
- Ivory Temple
- Laboratory
- Bog
- Silo
- Pier
Tier 6
- Overgrown Shrine
- Promenade
- Sulphur Vents
- Peninsula
- Haunted Mansion
- Iceberg
- Volcano
Tier 7
- Necropolis
- Precinct
- Mineral Pools
- Factory
- Burial Chambers
- Crater
- Frozen Cabins
Tier 8
- Estuary
- Primordial Blocks
- Arsenal
- Dungeon
- Academy
- Crimson Township
- Leyline
Tier 9
- Bazaar
- Primordial Pool
- Desert
- Dark Forest
- Colosseum
- Arcade
Tier 10
- Underground River
- Gardens
- Forbidden Woods
- Grave Trough
- Defiled Cathedral
- Lookout
Tier 11
- Wasteland
- City Square
- Mesa
- Infested Valley
- Dry Sea
- Villa
Tier 12
- Cemetery
- Cursed Crypt
- Courthouse
- Cold River
- Colonnade
- Shipyard
Tier 13
- Lair
- Orchard
- Shrine
- Plaza
- Channel
Tier 14
- Underground Sea
- Maze
- Canyon
- Sunken City
- Carcass
Tier 15
- Dunes
- Foundry
- Overgrown Ruin
- Ashen Wood
- Grotto
Tier 16
- Ancient City
- Toxic Sewer
- Graveyard
- Ghetto