Original Post — Direct link
over 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Magstine

I'm confused by the cast time on mines. Per the mine preview mines take .25 seconds base to throw across the board. Additionally, each mine skill has a preset detonation time. So where does cast time factor in? Does it start casting after the detonation time has passed? (e.g., Stormblast is .25 throw, .25 detonation, and then .75 cast base before it can do any damage to an enemy?)

Does it start casting after the detonation time has passed?

This one. However, Mines have the point where their spells "go off" right at the start of their cast animation, so this doesn't delay the effects of the spell, just that they must finish the cast animation before they can do anything else. In the general case they have nothing else to do but die, so this doesn't matter, but it comes into play if they will re-arm after casting.