almost 4 years
ago -
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" neo1987 wrote: This dropped without bar being full in a Valdo's map:
Wiki says it's a 100% drop chance on last boss kill:
" This item only drops from the Tirn's End maps, upon killing the last map boss required for the set.
Can't use invitation until Tirn's bar is full:
Can someone help me understand how this is not a bug? Why would anyone trade for this item? They drop all the time seemingly and it's a guaranteed drop anyway on last boss. Thanks
Thanks for your report, it's completely possible for an Invitation to drop early (the tradeable ones, not the Quest ones). It's also possible to get a tradeable Invitation which doesn't match the Region you're in (lower chance than an Invitation matching your Region).
Your first guaranteed Invitation should still occur when collecting the 10th boss for the first time in every Region and getting an Invitation early shouldn't take that guaranteed chance away.
I hope this helps.