about 2 years
ago -
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Earlier this week, we announced the winners of The Forbidden Sanctum Talent Competition! Today, we'd like to announce the runners-up of the competition as we had so many great entries! Check them out!
Show All Spoilersvar toggle = document.querySelector('#toggle-all');toggle.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains('active')) { event.target.classList.remove('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.newsPost .spoiler.spoilerVisible > .spoilerTitle > input.button1').forEach(function(x) { POE.Forum.SpoilerClick(x); }); event.target.innerHTML = 'Show All Spoilers'; } else { event.target.classList.add('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.newsPost .spoiler.spoilerHidden > .spoilerTitle > input.button1').forEach(function(x) { POE.Forum.SpoilerClick(x); }); event.target.innerHTML = 'Hide All Spoilers'; }});
The Spider Queen by Bisic

Mageblood, Dying Sun and Quicksilver Flask by ƙloƙɱacɧine

Varakath and Templar by LOSTVM

Varakath Model by Pollito1999

Divinia and Sanctum Bosses by RxMediEvil

Lycia and Beidat by SauronSalad

How's your resolve, Exile? by Varen_Dante

Divinia by _godhead_

Lycia by CovenElf

Varakath by DrEnzyme

Lycia by ievildemon

Divinia by Natilo

Lazy Sanctum by Oknesarat

Lycia, Herald of the Scourge by SlySharp

The Second Sacrament by Thesnakepit

Once again, we want to thank everyone who submitted their entries. Runners-up can pick a Helmet Effect in the list below as their prize. We'll be contacting them over the next few days to arrange their prizes.
List of Helmet Effects
- Abyss Eyes
- Antlers
- Apocalypse Helmet Attachment
- Aquila Crest Helmet Attachment
- Arcane Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Arcane Halo
- Arcane Mark of the Phoenix
- Arcane Visage
- Arctic Crown
- Arctic Skull
- Assassin Halo Helmet Attachment
- Assassin Seer Helmet Attachment
- Aureate Halo
- Automaton Halo
- Bent Horns
- Black Headband
- Black Pirate Bandana
- Bleached Skull Helmet
- Blood Guard Helmet Attachment
- Brilliant Crown
- Brilliant Feathers
- Chaos Orb Helmet
- Coliseum Helmet Attachment
- Corrupted Skull
- Cow Skull
- Curved Horns
- Darkprism Helmet Attachment
- Demon King Horns
- Despair Helmet Attachment
- Divine Ice Crown
- Divine Sign
- Divine Skull
- Dragon Mask
- Eye Patch
- Faith Guard Helmet Attachment
- Fiery Eyes
- Fiery Visage
- Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Frost Viking Alternate Helmet
- Frost Viking Helmet Attachment
- Ghostflame Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Ghostflame Skull
- Glowing Red Eyes
- Gore Skull
- Gorgon Snakes Helmet Attachment
- Guardian Mask
- Harmonious Helmet Attachment
- Harmonious Hood
- Holy Eyes
- Ice Crown
- Ice Horns
- Incursion Hood
- Infernal Skull
- Innocence Laurel Helmet Attachment
- Iron Brand
- Iron Maiden
- Lightning Eyes
- Lightning Skull
- Mark of the Phoenix
- Medusa Snakes
- Misery Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Misery Helmet Attachment
- Nightfall Helmet Attachment
- Oriath Helmet Attachment
- Plague Doctor Helmet
- Purple Divine Sign
- Purple Eyes
- Purple Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
- Purple Skull Helmet
- Purple Smoking Hood
- Rapture Helmet Attachment
- Red Headband
- Red Pirate Bandana
- Rose Skull
- Serrated Mohawk
- Sin and Innocence Helmet Attachment
- Sin Talon Helmet Attachment
- Skull Hood
- Smoking Hood
- Spirit Charm
- Steam-powered Skull
- Suffering Helmet Attachment
- Sunrise Helmet Attachment
- Swan Crest Helmet Attachment
- Thorned Skull
- Twilight Helmet Attachment
- Twisted Bone Horns
- Twisted Horns
- Undead Outcast Helmet
- Vaal Orb Helmet
- Wasteland Horns