almost 6 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link
almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by felipeftz

/u/Bex_GGG how many stages Divine Ire has?


10 stages to reach maximum beam width, and the skill caps out at 20 stages.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by PoEandPolitics

We need the maximum Intensity value. If it's 3, the gem just plain sucks. If it's 4 it's like barely useable but still fails to be a notable buff to "hand-cast" as promised. It obviously can't surpass 8 but I'd love to hear that it can hit 8. Even 7 would be the buff hand-casting really needs. I'll f**king handcast glacial cascade at that point.

Current cap is 4, so 64% more damage at maximum stacks.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by stillk

This is awesome!

Will Purifying Flame work with spell cascade as it's a targeted AoE, or is it like Glacial Cascade?

Like Glacial Cascade, but with you controlling the range with your targeting.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by tempoltone

So wave of conviction can apply 3 debuff with brutality?

It'll need to be doing some elemental damage to apply exposure.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Moonboow

Whats the 2 durations on wave of conviction?

The short duration is how long the wave lasts (So increased duration increases how far it travels) while the second duration is the Exposure debuff length.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erionns

While you're here, what's the maximum cap on Intensity stacks?

Edit: I saw it's 4 now, had asked before he answered elsewhere

4 stacks, so 64% more damage

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by MaXimillion_Zero

Could you explain how Unleash and Spell Echo interact? Will each Reoccurrance also Repeat?

With unleash any seals will be activated each actual cast, so usually 4 casts on the first repeat and 1 on the second, unless a seal generated in that time.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Sarrilus

Does it work with Unleash? So if you dump a full stack of unleash will you immediately reach 4 intensify?

With Unleash the single cast only gives you one stack, so you get the full increased aoe from Intensify. More useful for clearing in that case.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by shist

Thank you Rory. So that implies that casting spells won't disrupt the seal timer when sitting at 0 seals, and that you will be able to gain seals when repeatedly casting rather than get no benefit from the jewel? If I'm continuously casting, I'll still gain seals if there is less than a 0.71 second time between each cast? Then it will just unleash on the next cast after each .71 second interval?

Yeah, if you had a very slow cast time of 0.72 seconds, you'd get an unleash every cast, effectively a 74% more damage multiplier. If your cast time was 0.5 seconds, it's ~51% more damage per second. The timer starts when you leave maximum seals or when you first equip the support.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ColinStyles

If we balance it perfectly (somehow), will it apply all three exposures?

I believe in the unlikely even that the damage roll is perfectly equal (because it's rolled each time, not based on the average damage) then it picks one at random, but it's very hard to control this.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by matkub92

Hello, is the wave reseting when the skill is used by mines and trap?

Yes, it's a shared wave time between you and all of your traps, mines and totems.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Troublesome08

Probably a dumb question, but will it only work with gems that have the AoE tag? I'm guessing yes.

That's right, yeah.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by lumpaa

Supported skills deal 26% less damage when reoccurring

Does that mean that the initial spell always deals full damage?

ie 100+74+74+74 damage

That's right yeah

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by stillk

Thanks for the quick replies Rory. It probably would've been too strong with spell Cascade, but it is still probably really good with Intensify.

Also, to clarify, it can only hit once right? Wave, Explosion, or Shockwave @75%

Yeah, and the shockwave is slightly delayed so it won't prevent the full damage hits occurring.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erreconerre

Do unleash stacks repeat their cast when linked with spell echo?

Only on the first cast, unless you've manged to generate a seal in between repeats.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by nightcracker

Why is this not mentioned on the gem?

It should be, I'll get someone on it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Snowflakes666

How does it interact with Spell Echo? Will a spell supported by Spell Echo grant 1 or 2 stacks of intensity?

Just the one stack, you'd most likely use them together if you want to get more of the increased area bonus.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ColinStyles

Aye, that's fair, it was more a thought experiment more than anything else, sorry to take up your time.

P.S. I'm seeing a few questions about storm burst and it's tick rate, any info on that? Pretty please?

Ah, it pulses every 0.4 seconds, hence the remaining duration stat (so it's basically 75% of each pulse it would have fired off if it had lived). Hope that helps!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by PurpleRS

Do the new gems (Unleash and Intensify) work with Vaal skills?

They don't, no.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Generic_Names_Are_Ok

Do you know if the skill will work with Remote Mine support and multiple mines? Or is it strictly limited to 1 wave no matter what.

You'll get a little bit of a wave, as it always lasts a short time, but only one wave won't be 'replaced' so it's not going to be a very good area skill with mines!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erreconerre

Thanks Rory, could you also tell us the jump frequency on storm burst's orbs?

0.4 seconds, hence the damage per duration value

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by TheNightAngel

I think Soul Tether's leech is actually "life leech" that is applied to energy shield rather than "energy shield leech" but I'm only about 50% sure at this point.

This is correct.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by BlindHerald

Oy, Rory! Sorry for hijacking this comment chain, but I have a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION;

When using Unleash on multiple setups, do they have seperate seal stacks? As in, could you have multiple setups and use them one after another to get maximum value out of Unleash?

Yep, they’re al generated on each skill, each skill generated and consumes seals separately.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by wooser69

Is the beam considered AoE/area damage? Or is the AoE tag only for the range at which zaps occur?

The beam is area damage, but increased aoe only affects zap range and an extra nova pulse around you when you release the channeling

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by BlindHerald

By the gods, this might actually be sufficient incentive to use more than one regular spell in a build.
I am UNREASONABLY giddy about this. Big thanks for the info man!

No worries, good luck!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Hoffelcopter

Got a question on intensify. Let's say I'm up to four stacks while using a spell projectile with slower proj. Once the fourth cast is made, does it keep all of the multipliers until it's finished or is it dynamic? So if I start moving, or teleport after my fourth cast, does it lose all of the damage buffs, or keep them?

Just strictly talking about the projectile that has already been cast.

Skills will store this multiplier as they're cast, so you get the damage regardless of your intensity when they impact.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

speaking on the subject of incomplete gem tooltips, unearth doesn't really mention that it does damage in an aoe (has same description as before).

Also, can you tell use the radius of unearth and whether the aoes can ever overlap via volley/gmp?

They can overlap, but the aoe is pretty tiny, this was basically making the visuals of the skill (which has a small circle on impact) match the way it deals damage. You could do some strange stuff with increased aoe and casting very close to your character if you really wanted to!

Edit: Ah I've been corrected, this changed, it is just one hit per cast, the aoe effects don't overlap.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Sunshin3z

Currently ice nova gets casted 4 times during a frostbolt with spell echo attached. How many times is it gonna be with the unleash support gem attached at 3 stacks?

Without echo, it'll be just cast 8 times, Echo is a little tricky as the seals only apply to the first cast, not the repeat, unless you generate a seal between casts. Edit: I've been told that repeats never expend seals, so only the first time the skill is fired do you get the unsealing.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

Are the seal counts specific to the gem setup in a piece of gear? Like could you have two Fireball setups both with an Unleash and alternate casting them?

That's right, yeah.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by PsionicKitten

On the skill reveal it states:

However, casting the skill again ends the current wave after a short time

Does increased duration extend that short time after you recast so you get more of that "waves of multiple out at once" when you cast in rapid succession, effectively giving you a longer range at which you can cast in quick succession?

Nope, there is a fixed time (I think 0.2 seconds or so) before the wave fades when replaced.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Ruggsii

Hey Rory, how does Wave of Conviction work with proxies like totems, mines, traps?

Can we still only have 1 active wave?

Yeah, their is a short time the wave remains active but usually proxies will be a big cut to the skill's aoe because they will replace the wave very quickly.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by da_leroy

If one of your tots casts a wave, and then 1 second layer another totem does, will it remove the first totems wave?

How often do the totems recast the wave? If they recast, does it remove the previous wave?

Yeah, you can have one active wave among you and all of your totems, traps and mines, so it's not a great aoe skill when used this way!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by ColinStyles

Not just that, but it should also include AoE, Projectile, Spell, etc. etc.

It's really strong.

/u/izackthegreat tagged as relevant

AoE, Projectile, Spell, etc. etc.

Those are not Damage Types. Damage Types are Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning and Chaos (but there is not currently a Physical gem tag, so that one won't come up in this context).

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erionns

Thanks. Another question if you have the time, is the more damage per curse on Bane additive or multiplicative with itself?

Additive with itself, so 47% more damage with one curse, 94% more damage with two, etc. This does mean that after two curses, some other damage supports may result in more total damage per second.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Quote_a

Based on the preview video, if I cast a second wave, the first wave I previously cast disappears after a short time instead of just disappearing instantly. Is this a visual thing or is the "disappear time" affected by modifiers to duration?

It's a fixed time that can't be modified, though increases to area of effect do mean the wave is travelling further in this time.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by spoobydoo

With no change in duration but increased AoE does the wave travel faster?

Or does increased AoE increase the total angle at which the wave propagates outwards?

Increased Aoe makes the wave travel faster; This gives it greater range within its duration.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by OxInBox

So how does it work with channeled skills? Do you only gain a single Intensity on starting the channel? And if not, do intensity stacks generated while channeling effect the end result of a skill like flameblast?

The support can't apply to channelled skills, sorry!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

Thanks a lot for answering all these questions rory, mvp <3

Ah I've been corrected, this changed, it is just one hit per cast, the aoe effects don't overlap. Sorry about that!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by kroxywuff

/u/Rory_Rackham if I somehow have two soulrend projectiles in one mob's hitbox, does it apply 2 of the dot or just 1 dot that's refreshed a lot?

One dot that is refreshed!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ChaosBadgers

Speaking of bane, do gem levels greater than 20 allow casting of curses of higher level than 20?

That's right, it can cast all curses gems of its level or lower, as I believe it has the same level progression as most curses.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Etzlo

what about divine ire? what's the max stacks there?

10 stacks for maximum width, 20 for maximum damage.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Etzlo

one more question, the ES leech on soulrend does not work with the dot damage right? just the primary hit?

That's right, just the hit.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ArmaMalum

Similar question, I'm sure you're getting spammed sorry.

**Max stages for Divine Ire?**

10 stacks for maximum width, 20 for maximum damage.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Daiug

Did the skill get completely changed between the videos and now?

Or is the 0,5 duration the duration of a wave lasting when you cast a second one?

Because in the video there were some lasting easily 2 seconds

There have been some speed tweaks (So the wave travels faster and hence has a lower duration) but a wave could last 2 seconds if you had enough increases to skill effect duration.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Hotdogrr

in the case of using Increased Duration support + Increased Area of effect Support, it would then make it travel farther in less time is this correct?

With both increased duration and increased area of effect, the speed it travels goes up and the time it is active goes up, so its total range would be much higher.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Alhoon

Any idea of how big the AoE of this shockwave is? Can it hit monsters offscreen if they're standing on a Consecrated Ground? Does the shockwave scale with increased AoE?

The base shockwave range is 50 units, just under twice the radius of Ice Nova. It does scale with increases to area of effect.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by optimistic_hsa

No problem thanks. I had a follow up to a question you answered earlier about storm burst:

When you release it early, lets say at .5 seconds into channeling (with no duration increases), so .7seconds remaining. Will you get 75% damage or 150% damage? By the wording it sounds like 75%, but you would've gotten two more explosions still if you had held down fully, so 150% makes the most logical sense. If its 75% then you basically lost a full cast AND had a damage reduction on the other, very punishing.

I'll have to double check, but it should be 150%

Edit: Just confirmed this with a programmer, it's its interval +1 effectively.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by eulennatzer

Is there any explanation for this ingame?

I mean there are area or spell damage modifiers ingame, but those not counting as type was pretty unknown to me, even after x000h of gametime. After looking it up in the wiki it was clear that damage type is a keyword.

Holding alt while hovering the gem will show the reminder text which explains what Damage Types are. This is the same reminder text as on Elemental Equilibrium (and I've also added it to Elemental Hit this patch, since it also refers to Damage Types).

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by FilanderPoe

is the consecrated ground created scaled by aoe aswell or is it a fixed area

It'll be scaled by area of effect, yeah.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by redfire1990

How does Doedre's Skin interact with Bane? No Curse Limit?

The curses can't be sort-of-triggered by both, so they'd be disabled in this case, I believe.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by kogielore

does unleash makes a skill a duration skill? making it supportable by less duration? (what i mean is, can i use both unleash and less duration to reduce charging time?)

Nah, the seal duration is a fixed value. Only higher level supports generate seals faster (for now)

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by SieghartX2

Just to clarify, does a fully lived storm burst orb hit 3 or 4 times?

1.2/0.4 = 3

or does it hits 1st upon cast with 1.2 left, 2nd hit at 0.8 remaining, 3rd hit at 0.4 remaining and then 4th hit right before disappearing?

Storm Burst orbs impact when they first spawn and every 0.4 seconds of their lifetime, including right at the 1.2 second mark, so 4 bursts total if you have no duration modifiers.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by sdlnv

Do totems have the ability to release Divine Ire on max stacks or do they just keep channeling like Flameblast did for a while?

They'll release at 20 stages and start casting again, just like Flameblast does at max stages now. They'll follow targets, unlike Flameblast.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by SoftBoyLacrois

Possibly dumb question: so is investing in duration for stormburst sort of like duration for firestorm? Longer wind-up for a higher damage cap/more live balls? If so it's a way more interesting skill to me.

Also seems like it could lead to some weird pulse firing dps optimization if I'm understanding how their lifespan works correctly.

It is like firestorm when you hold storm burst down, yeah. More duration means more maximum balls and therefore more max dps while channelling. It also means more burst damage if you do stop channelling for the larger explode effect.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Videri

How many 'orbs' appear for each cast time segment?

One orb per cast time amount, unless you have the enchantment that gives you a chance for additional orbs.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

Do the storm burst objects on the ground jump and deal damage based on the .25 cast time or is it some fixed interval?

It's a fixed 0.4 second interval (hence the damage per remaining duration stat)

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by trashywashy

What happens to the range when Purifying Flame is triggered?

If it's triggered by an enemy, it'll fire at their location, if it's self triggered then it'll burst right on your location.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by legolaptop

Since they're worded differently does that mean when you unleash Discharge its effect is repeated based on the charges of the initial cast? Or does the repeated effects need charges to consume as well?

I believe we decided that the repeated effect needs to consume charges as well, so any you generated from the first cast will apply.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by kogielore

sorry rory another queston, does the new nodes reduced cd recovery speed with mov skills while dw will affect stuff like cwc+ lightning warp?

Yep, it'll apply to any movement skill's cooldown, whether it started with one or not.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

Thanks for the info, do modifiers to AoE affect the spread of the orbs on the ground as they jump around?

It doesn't, so increasing area of effect is pretty good for making sure you always hit your intended target as the orbs jump around randomly.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by trashywashy

Ah, so triggering it with cwc will only allow you it to burst on your location? That is kinda sad :(

Ah, Cast while Channelling is location targeted, so it'll fire where you're targeting. I was thinking it'd be self targeted if you cast on damage taken and you self-damage.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by andybmcc

Do Area of Effect increases still affect this skill? I believe that was mentioned earlier during the initial teaser.

Yeah, it increases the starting size and the speed the wave grows, so it's not as much of an area increase as Duration modifiers, but it makes it so it travels faster in addition to reaching further. Area increases and duration increases are effectively multiplicative in how they affect the total range of the skill.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by and_i_mean_it

Will the curses' 66% reduced effectiveness on bosses affect Bane's DoT damage as well (since it has the 'curse' tag)?

Nah, curse effect (both yours and enemies) has no direct effect on the damage of Bane.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Boobietassles

How does Wave of Conviction work with Unleash support? Still just one wave?

It does fire multiple waves, but they'll interrupt each other, so all waves except the last will only be hitting a small area. Good for single target, if you're willing to get right up close to enemies, but bad if you want to hit a large area.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by SgtKwan

How does spell echo work with intensity then, would you gain 2 intensity stack per cast. If thats the case does tht mean ice nova on frost bolt with spell echo would generate 4 intensity stacks?

You only ever gain one per cast, and repeats count as the same cast. This means that Spell Echo, Unleash, and multi-event actions like Ice Nova don't provide extra Intensity.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by qikink

How would that work with a total duration not divisible by 0.4? In other words, suppose I get the duration to 1.5s. Since I didn't hit a 0.4 divisible breakpoint, a "normal" channel will still just get me 4 ticks. However, If I channel for .8s, I get three ticks (0.0,0.4,0.8) and still have 0.7s left.

In the above example 0.7s left meant I got 150% explosion, but it seems like in part that was because if I kept channeling I'd get two more ticks, where here if I keep channeling I'll only get 1 more - even though I have the same remaining duration.

So in that case, would I get the "extra" 50% base damage by ending early?

You won't get any extra damage or extra ticks for any extra duration, effectively rounding down to the nearest 0.4 seconds. The skill effectively increments of 34% increased duration.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by AppleEnder

But both hits apply, and so do their ES leech? What are the chances of multiple hitting, it seemed like the homing on them was a bit weaker.

They won't both hit, it's just like other projectiles where each cast can only hit an enemy once (Just like Etheral Knives, as an example).

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Bliqz

How does unleash work with discharge? It says the "effects reoccur". Does this mean it'll cast again dealing the same damage as the initial discharge? Or will each repeat consume charges again and only deal damage equal to charges consumed?

Option number two! You'll just need to generate charges with that first discharge to use them on the reocurrences.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by iwns

sorry to bug you, but is there a way you can confirm this cause me and others were building around Doedre's Skin

I've confirmed that a Bane socketed in Doedre's Skin won't apply any curses, because Doedre's Skin stops the curses being usable by Bane.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by viperesque

Sorry if I've missed the answer to this in all your posts, but do multiple skills linked to Unleash have separate seal counters or share one?

Each have their own seal counter.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by NutellaBananaCanada

For Storm Burst while channeling it, does the first orb get created at .25s while channeling or at the start of channeling (0.0s). Assuming no cast speed at all.

The orb is created at the 0.25s cast time (Actually very slightly after because of cast animations, but close enough), but orb duration doesn't start ticking down until the orb is fully spawned.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by MuchAnalysis

does cast speed affect orb generation?

Yep, faster cast time means you'll be creating orbs more quickly, increasing your maximum number of orbs.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Budrap

That seems like a very odd design choice and a pretty big noob trap.

Is there a reason why it cant just be 18% per 0.1s remaining to make the scaling smoother?

I'll take a look into this, but it's definitely too late to change this for the initial release.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erreconerre

About unleash, do modifiers to cooldown recovery speed affect the time to gain seals?

Nah, there is currently nothing other than support gem level that affects Seal generation. It could be something we introduce to items in future.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by iwns

ty Rory I know it can be a nightmare to answer these little questions but seriously it means alot

You're welcome! I just want people to look forward to playing with my creations!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Erreconerre

Thanks! In another comment you said that each skill has its own seal counter. Do different gems of the same skill also get each their own independent counter?

Edit: Uops, replied to the wrong comment.

Every gem has its own set of seals, so you can have 4 different Fireballs all supported by Unleash if you so desire, and they'll all be independent with their seals.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Wallach

Would that also be true if the character had Ancestral Bond and all associated damage types with Wave were dealing 0 damage per hit? Following that, if I had both Ancestral Bond and Avatar of Fire would I always apply Fire exposure to an enemy, or would it still randomly choose between Fire and Lightning (since Lightning would be dealing "none" from Avatar of Fire but fire would also be dealing 0 from Ancestral Bond)?

There needs to be at least 1 fire, cold, or lightning damage dealt, so if you have Ancestral Bond and you're handcasting Wave of Conviction, it won't deal any damage and therefore won't apply any exposure. It's effectively caring about the damage that would be dealt before enemy resistances and other defensive effects are applied.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Prisus

/u/Rory_Rackham Question about Bane. When put in weapon that "trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill", if bane is linked with 2 curses only (in a 3-link) does it cycle through the curses individually and bane (as three spells) or does the curses effectively "grey out" for active casting (like Cast on Critical Strike) resulting in only Bane being cast after the trigger cooldown?

The curses are disabled by the trigger effect, so Bane can't use them, so just Bane would trigger without applying any curses.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatOneParasol

Do the seals only build up while the gem is slotted into a weapon equipped in the current weapon swap?

Can I have two 6S Whispering Ices with Unleash Support, and just weaponswap to unleash all 3 seals on one, then swap back and unleash the other?

I’m home now so can’t check, but I’ll find out tomorrow.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by MaXimillion_Zero

Do the charges vanish if the gem is unequipped, or could you charge up a whole bunch of gems and then quickly swap each in to proc their unsealing?

They’ll vanish if you unequip the gem

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Delioth

So is there any chance Unleash and Intensify work together? I've not seen the "reoccurs" wording before and not sure if Unleashing will grant 4 Intensity stacks at once or if it's just hope.

Reoccurring and repeating don’t count as a cast, so just one per button press basically.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Regooloos

Is there a way to increase the speed of the waves at which they advance?

Increasing their area of effect is the way to do this

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by thefailtrain08

Are the zaps area damage or no?

They aren’t, they’re just hits like Arc

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Regooloos

Oh basically like freezing pulse and proj speed for how much distance it can cover before it dies off?

Does that mean with max aoe it'll go super fast?

Not super fast, as area increases start to have a diminishing return as it gets larger, but it does increase the distance noticeably.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by MoeFantasy

If I link it with coc or something with faster trigger time than this 0.2s, will there be more than one wave activate at the same time or the new wave casted before the 0.2s ends will be ignored?

There will briefly be two or more waves active

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by damnpandahands

Have any idea what the base aoe of it is? Like if you didn't get any modifiers to duration or aoe, what size would it reach if you let it travel its full duration.

In the video it seemed like it travelled for quite a long time, and increased duration as a support for a main skill isn't quite optimal

I’m not sure of the exact number off the top of my head, but I aimed for 10-20% larger range than a player level 16 Ground Slam as its base

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by AridholGM

Does reoccurrence require resources? For self casting Discharge, let's say. Does the reoccurrence do damage based on the original amount of expended charges, or would it be a no charge repeat that's essentially useless?

No charge repeat, unless you were doing some Voll’s protector ruckus to re-generate charges

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatOneParasol

Do you know if Wave of Conviction totems keep casting waves as fast as they can, or will they let the wave expire at max distance before they recast?

They’ll cast as fast as they can, interrupting their own waves and other totems waves alike.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by travellingnomad

Just double checking that means something like Firestorm - Firestorm - Unleash in a 3 link?


almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

With the orbs dealing damage at a fixed 0.4s intervals, is it a waste to have say a skill effect duration of 2.01 to 2.39s for this gem? Is every 0.4s a threshold the player needs to reach to increase the orb's damage? Or does it work differently behind the scenes?

Thanks again for answering so many questions today. That was super awesome of you.

That’s correct, all that matters at the moment is the fixed thresholds.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Eisenmuffin

How does Intensity work with vaal skills? for example Blade Vortex. Can I stack up Intensity with casting regular BV and then fire a Vall BV with the 64% more damage or do those 2 have different Intensity stacks?

Intensify doesn’t apply to Vaal skills at all, sorry!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by _paradoxical

How does Unleash work with Discharge? Will it consume all power/frenzy/endurance charges on the first explosion (max damage), and leave none for the Unleash-casted Discharges (assuming I do not get charges from the first Discharge)?

That’s right, it’ll just discharge any charges the first explosion generated.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by RicoDevega

How quickly does unleash cast its extra spells? Is it at your cast speed, instantly or does it happen over a set time?

There is a very short turn back in your cast animation, about 10% of cast time

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by _paradoxical

But if the first Discharge manages to get charges, it'll add onto the next Unleash-Discharge, and so on?


almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Peppr_

The information on the Storm Burst gem is entirely insufficient to calculate it's DPS in any form.

/u/rory_rackham, halp:

  • what is the frequency at which Storm Burst orbs jump (& deal damage)?

  • what stats if any modify that frequency?

Nothing will modify the frequency, it’ll always be every 0.4 sec

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Tharaki

/u/Rory_Rackham Hi, Rory! could you please explain how Infused Channeling interacts with attack skills like Blade Flurry? Would it gain any bonus mitigation/damage for its tags?

Not on Blade flurry, because it has no element, but Charged Dash would because of the Lightning tag

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by RicoDevega

An additional question that just came to mind, how does targetting work with Unleash? Does it auto-target like with trigger spells, or does it target based on where you cast its 'prime' spell, or does it use some sort of eldritch calculation to fire my spells at walls?

It’ll cast on the same target as the original cast

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by loonger

What's this extra nova pulse? Is it part of the big beam, or is it an independent damage source? The gem description does not say a thing about this. Thanks.

It’s part of the beam damage pulse, just visualised and scaled around you instead of the beam.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by jovialisk

It's not clear from the gem description that only elemental types count. Is that the case, or do things like a Physical, Attack, Spell, AoE, etc tag also give a corresponding multiplier?

In either case, do skills connected in a CWC setup also gain these multipliers?

Cwc will only get the Buff bonus, not the channelling damage bonus. And the gem will soon have reminder text for the gem types being fire, cold, Lightning or Chaos

almost 6 years ago - /u/Rory_Rackham - Direct link

Originally posted by Bow_for_the_king

The infusion buff in an incinerate CwC firestorm. Since they both have the "spell", "fire" and "AoE" tags; it'll give 30% more damage to firestorm?

It’s just the three elements and chaos, the skill will have reminder text for this.