over 2 years
ago -
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Today we're releasing a bunch of new microtransactions into the store! They include the Demonic Necromancer Bundle, Madcap Cast When Damage Taken, Apollyon Shockwave and Celestial Cat Forbidden Rite!
The Demonic Necromancer Bundle includes microtransactions for Raise Spectre, Summon Raging Spirits, Raise Zombie and Summon Skeletons bundled together at a discount! These are all also available individually in the store.
Madcap Cast When Damage Taken and Apollyon Shockwave are both microtransactions for their respective support gems.
The Celestial Cat Forbidden Rite Effect changes your purple projectiles into a flurry of cats!
Check everything out in the videos below, or get yourshere!
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