over 2 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

In the weeks leading up to our 3.20 expansion, we'll be running three events for players to challenge themselves in three unique ways. All events will be available for both PC and Console, so everyone is welcome to join in! Each event will have a Standard, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore and Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions that you can play in except for Endless Delve, which only has Standard Solo Self-Found and Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions.

When picking which events to run, we aimed for some variety between each event to cater to many different types of players. For example, Mayhem is great for players who love chaos and action. Endless Delve is great for players who want to play Path of Exile in a fairly novel way. Delirium Everywhere is great for players who want a more challenging experience. Each event has been improved since the last time we ran it. Most notably, we've vastly improved Delirium Everywhere's scaling for lower level areas.

You'll be able to win two guaranteed Kalandra Mystery Box per account for reaching Level 50 in any two of the events. This is two total guaranteed mystery box across all three events. This means that players are able to pick and choose two out of the three events they want to play rather than feeling forced to play all three in order to pick up the maximum number of prizes.

The events also have a huge pool of microtransaction prizes that are randomly drawn for characters that reach certain level thresholds. This pool of prizes is shared between PC and Console players, with each event having its own prize pool. Having multiple characters will increase your chances of winning a randomly drawn prize. More details on all the prizes can be found in each event's prize section below.

PC Prizing
The top three overall in each version of the events will receive a full microtransaction set and first place will take home one Path of Exile shirt from their choice between the Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts
. In the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of each event, the top of each Ascendancy Class will receive the exclusive Godslayer's Pride
microtransaction. In the Standard, Solo Self-Found and Hardcore versions of each event (where applicable), the top six players (regardless of Ascendancy) will also receive a Godslayer's Pride.

Console Prizing
First place overall in each version of the events will receive a full microtransaction set. In the SSF version of each event, the top three overall will receive a Godslayer's Pride

The Mayhem event takes classic Path of Exile league modifiers from Anarchy, Invasion, Breach, Ambush, Torment, Harbinger, Delirium, and Scourge and pushes them to the extreme. In each area you'll encounter one of the following scenarios: 20 Rogue Exiles, 20 Strongboxes, 20 Invasion Bosses, 10 Breaches, 20 Tormented Spirits, 20 Harbingers, a Mirror of Delirium, or enemies that have a chance to spawn Beyond Demons when slain close to each other. Each area in Wraeclast will have one of these mods, along with two mods from a pool of mods that increase the difficulty of monsters in the area. The mod that an area has will change every hour.

The pool of difficulty mods include:

  • Monsters take 35% less Damage

  • 40% increased Monster Damage

  • Monsters have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed

  • Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles

  • Monsters have 30% increased Area of Effect

  • Monsters deal 40% extra Physical Damage as Fire

  • Monsters deal 40% extra Physical Damage as Cold

  • Monsters deal 40% extra Physical Damage as Lightning

  • Monsters deal 20% extra Physical Damage as Chaos

  • Monsters have 200% increased Critical Strike Chance and +35% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier

  • Monsters have 100% chance to Hinder on Hit with Spells

  • Monsters have 100% chance to Maim on Hit with Attacks

Mayhem Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a Godslayer's Pride
microtransaction. In the Standard, Solo Self-Found and Hardcore versions of this event, the top six players (regardless of Ascendancy) will also receive a Godslayer's Pride. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Standard Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Dragon Hunter Armour Set

  • Vulcan Cloak

  • Vulcan Weapon Skin

  • Dragon Hunter Weapon Effect

  • Vulcan Portal

  • Dragon Hunter Footprints

  • Wasteland Raptor Pet

  • Fire Character Effect

Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 1pm November 4th (PDT) which is Nov 04, 2022 4:00 PM (EDT) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Ending at 12pm November 14th (PST) which is Nov 14, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Standard, Hardcore, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.

  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

Return to the Azurite Mine and journey endlessly deeper in this returning event. You begin the event in the Mine Encampment and cannot leave the Mine. All you can do is Delve. All sulphite costs have been removed, and the Mine scales from level 1 instead of its usual scaling.

To aid you in your descent, you'll start with a stack of Scrolls of Wisdom and some powerful unique items. Lily Roth has also made her way to the Mine Encampment to sell you gems, with each gem costing a single Scroll of Wisdom. At level 1, and every 10 character levels until level 70, you gain 3 passive skill points to make up for the ones you'd normally get from quests. And of course the Altar of Ascendancy is available, granting you 2 Ascendancy passive skill points when you reach levels matching the area level of each Labyrinth. No matter how deep you go, there's no escape from Kitava's curses, so you'll lose resistances and start incurring an experience penalty on death when you reach levels 40 and 70.

While previous Endless Delve events have been won by the player that reached the greatest depth by the end of the race, this Endless Delve event will be won by the first player in each ascendancy class to depth 600.

Endless Delve FAQ In the Endless Delve event, you'll play exclusively in the Azurite Mine and won't need sulphite for progress. You'll begin the plunge with access to some starter gear to help you take on perilous darkness:

To help you prepare for the event and to give you a further idea of what to expect from the Endless Delve, we've answered the most common questions from our community.

Show All

Do we start from level 1?


What exactly do we start with?

40 wisdom scrolls, the skill and support gem your class normally gets on the Twilight Strand, two small life flasks and a small mana flask, and five starter unique items (all with 3 linked white sockets except for the quiver).

Which classes will get which starting unique items?

Marauder: Rust of Winter, Ashes of the Sun, Blood of Summer, Thunder of the Dawn, Remnant of Empires.

Templar: Splinter of the Moon, Remnant of Empires, Ashes of the Sun, Vestige of Divinity, Rust of Winter.

Witch: Splinter of the Moon, Fragment of Eternity, Vestige of Divinity, Scar of Fate, Remnant of Empires.

Shadow: Scar of Fate, Remnant of Empires, Splinter of the Moon, Fragment of Eternity, Blood of Summer.

Ranger: Relic of the Cycle, Slivers of Providence, Fragment of Eternity, Blood of Summer, Scar of Fate.

Duelist: Blood of Summer, Thunder of the Dawn, Relic of the Cycle, Slivers of Providence, Remnant of Empires.

Scion: Splinter of the Moon, Blood of Summer, Remnant of Empires, Scar of Fate, Ashes of the Sun, Relic of the Cycle and Slivers of Providence.

Can you make a new character to get multiple copies of the same item?


Could you specify exact thresholds for skill points and Ascendancies?

Passives: 3 each at levels 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. Total of 24, same as normally gained from quest rewards assuming you kill all bandits.

Ascendancies: levels 33, 55, 68, 75.

How do I choose my Ascendancy?

The Altar of Ascendancy is available in the Mine Encampment.

How does depth scaling work compared to normal Delving?

The levels of monsters at lower depths have been decreased to make Delving from level 1 possible. Monster level is simply equal to depth up to depth 77, where it syncs back up with normal Delve scaling. Level, biome mod and damage/life scaling with depth are the same as normal Delve from depth 77 onwards. Other depth-scaling mechanics like darkness resistance, light radius, Azurite, and rewards will be the same as normal Delving at any depth.

How will respec points work?

2 points at level 10, then 3 at levels 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70. Total of 20 free ones, same as gained from quests normally

Which vendors are available? Will there be currency vendors?

You’ll have access to Niko’s normal shop, and Lilly Roth’s gem shop with some modifications. Lilly’s gems all cost 1 wisdom scroll each, and she also has an extra tab containing all the normal currency trades offered by vendors (except for portal scrolls).

Are gems restricted to class or will they be accessible to all classes?

Lilly Roth sells all purchasable gems from level 1, no matter which class you pick. She has the same gem selection as her normal shop.

How does Niko's inventory reset?

Every time you complete a new Delve encounter (i.e. move the Crawler to an unexplored node on the map).

Will there be a crafting bench in the Mine Encampment?


Will Divination Cards be available?

Yes. You can turn them in to Lily Roth.

Will drops be disabled on maps, chisels, etc. because they will have no use?

No. Doing this would require an enormous amount of work which would have inhibited us from being able to run the event at all.

Will the on-death experience penalty be present? If so, when?

Yes. Levels 40 and 70 grant Kitava’s curses, with the usual experience loss, resistance penalty, and Vaal skill soul cost increase.

Is the Delve progression per character or per account?

Normally it’s shared between characters in the same league, but in this event it’s per character. This stops people getting very deep on one character, then quickly making other characters and completing a single encounter to collect multiple copies of Demigod’s Authority. Delve upgrades purchased with azurite are also not shared between characters. Your stash is shared as normal.

Can you choose your bandit reward?

The free skill points you’re granted for levelling up include 2 points to match killing all the bandits. You’re unable to help a bandit, or change the skill points to another reward via the vendor recipe.

Why is Endless Delve Solo Self-Found?

To party with other players, you would need access to towns or your Hideout which are not available due to the nature of the event.

How do I join the event?

At the character selection screen, there's a panel below your characters which will list the events available. You can join the event by clicking 'join'. This option becomes available 30 minutes before the event is set to begin. Your character won't be able to move until the event starts.

Endless Delve Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a Godslayer's Pride
microtransaction. In the Solo Self-Found version of this event, the top six players (regardless of Ascendancy) will also receive a Godslayer's Pride. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Standard Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Oblivion Armour Set

  • Necrolord Cloak

  • Necrolord Weapon Skin

  • Misery Weapon Effect

  • Oblivion Portal

  • Misery Footprints

  • Misery Will-o'-the-wisp Pet

  • Oblivion Character Effect

Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 12pm November 14th (PST) which is Nov 14, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Ending at 12pm November 21st (PST) which is Nov 21, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.

  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

A dense fog hangs over Wraeclast, the continent now enthralled by Delirium. Almost every campaign and endgame map area has permanent Delirium fog, ranging randomly from 10% to 100% Delirium with the minimum and maximum level of Delirium scaling with the level of the zone. This way, some lower level encounters won't be impossibly difficult and higher level encounters won't be incredibly easy. This has all the usual effects — monsters getting buffed, new monsters spawning, reward bars filling with kills, and Simulacrum splinters dropping. To avoid spam-refreshing areas being the best strategy, each area always has the same Delirium percentage, and Delirium reward types are randomised each time they drop.

In comparison to the last time we ran a Delirium Everywhere event, we've reduced the amount of Delirium that can be applied to zones earlier in the campaign and have adjusted the maximum Delirium each act can have so that progressing past certain encounters isn't near-impossible.

Mirrors of Delirium cannot spawn in this event. If you get your hands on a Delirious map, it functions as normal, overriding the special rules of this event.

Delirium Everywhere Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a Godslayer's Pride
microtransaction. In the Standard, Solo Self-Found and Hardcore versions of this event, the top six players (regardless of Ascendancy) will also receive a Godslayer's Pride. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Glimmerwood Armour Set

  • Dark Magic Wings

  • Glimmerwood Weapon Skin

  • Dark Magic Weapon Effect

  • Stygian Portal

  • Stygian Footprints

  • Stygian Steed Pet

  • Stygian Character Effect

Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 12pm November 21st (PST) which is Nov 21, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Ending at 12pm November 28th (PST) which is Nov 28, 2022 3:00 PM (EST) (Log in to view in your local time)

  • Standard, Hardcore, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.

  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

Show All

Will these events run on all platforms?


Can I play my existing character?

No, you'll need to make new characters in each event.

How do I join the event?

At the character selection screen, there's a panel below your characters which will list the events available. You can join the event by clicking 'join'. This option becomes available 30 minutes before the event is set to begin. Your character won't be able to move until the event starts.

Can I make Private League versions of these events?


Can I change my Ascendancy Class during these events?

No. This is to prevent people changing classes at the last minute as a cheap way to get a Godslayer's Pride.

Why is Delve Solo Self-Found?

To party with other players, you would need access to towns or your Hideout which are not available due to the nature of the event.

If I delete my character, will I still get a prize?

No. Please do not delete your characters until after the prizes have been awarded.

Will I still be eligible for prizes if my character dies?


If I level multiple characters will I have a greater chance of winning a prize?

Yes. Every character you level will be independently included in the pool for the prize draw at the end of the event. This excludes mystery boxes, where you will only be able to receive one per account.

Can I win more than one microtransaction prize?

Yes, it's possible to win multiple prizes. This excludes the mystery box which is awarded once per account. You only need to reach level 50 in one of the events to receive the free mystery box. This can be found in your microtransaction stash once awarded.

When will I receive a prize?

The Kalandra Mystery Box will be awarded automatically when you reach level 50 during an event. The other microtransactions and Godslayer's Prides will be awarded after the end of the event. You'll receive a private message on the website to notify you when this has happened. Note that outside of the Mystery Box and Godslayer's Prides, prizes are drawn randomly and are not necessarily guaranteed. We'll post on our Twitter to confirm when the final prizes have gone out.

Will I have access to my crafting bench in Endless Delve?


Will I be able to access the Lake of Kalandra during the events?

No. The events will not be in the Kalandra League, so you will not be able to access the Lake of Kalandra.

What happens if I already have all of the microtransactions from the Kalandra Mystery Box?

If you've already purchased the entire Kalandra Mystery Box series, you'll instead be awarded with two Warlord Mystery Boxes per Kalandra Box earned. If you reach level 50 in two events, you will receive four Warlord Mystery Boxes.

Will the extra map content from the Mayhem modifiers be affected by relevant Atlas Passive Skills?

We are still looking into this - they work in some cases and not in others. We're trying to get them to apply in as many cases as possible. For example, Exiled Will should make your 20 Rogue Exiles possessed but you may not be able to increase the number of Rogue Exiles (e.g. by allocating Ruckus) due to limitations on quantities within maps. Dimensional Barrier would also block the 10 Breaches from spawning in maps during Mayhem.

Are the randomly drawn microtransaction prize pools shared across event versions and platforms?

The randomly-drawn microtransaction prize pool is shared across each event version and PC/Console. Each event has it's own pool, though.

To clarify, Mayhem's randomly-drawn microtransactions are shared across Mayhem, Mayhem Hardcore, Mayhem Solo Self-Found and Mayhem Hardcore Solo Self-Found across PC and Console.

Endless Delve's randomly-drawn microtransactions are shared between Solo Self-Found and Hardcore Solo Self-Found on both PC and Console.

Good luck, everyone! We can't wait to see the chaos and carnage unfold in these events. If you're not able to participate, be sure to check the action out live on Twitch!

over 2 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

" PurpleChakra wrote:
NO Demigods?

The current version of the Demigod race reward series is the Godslayer’s Pride amulet. Because it uses the microtransaction system, it can be moved between your characters in different leagues.

over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
In the weeks leading up to our 3.20 expansion, we'll be running three events for players to challenge themselves in three unique ways. All events will be available for both PC and Console, so everyone is welcome to join in! Each event will have a Standard, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore and Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions that you can play in except for Endless Delve, which only has Standard Solo Self-Found and Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions.

When picking which events to run, we aimed for some variety between each event to cater to many different types of players. For example, Mayhem is great for players who love chaos and action. Endless Delve is great for players who want to play Path of Exile in a fairly novel way. Delirium Everywhere is great for players who want a more challenging experience. Each event has been improved since the last time we ran it. Most notably, we've vastly improved Delirium Everywhere's scaling for lower level areas.

You'll be able to win one guaranteed Kalandra Mystery Box per account for reaching Level 50 in any one of the events. This is one total guaranteed mystery box across all three events. Reaching Level 50 in more than one of the events will not reward you with additional Kalandra Mystery Boxes. This means that players are able to pick and choose which events they want to play rather than feeling forced to play all three in order to pick up the maximum number of prizes.

The events also have a huge pool of microtransaction prizes that are randomly drawn for characters that reach certain level thresholds. This pool of prizes is shared between PC and Console players, with each event having its own prize pool. Having multiple characters will increase your chances of winning a randomly drawn prize. More details on all the prizes can be found in each event's prize section below.

PC Prizing
The top three overall in each version of the events will receive a full microtransaction set and first place will take home one Path of Exile shirt from their choice between the {LINK REMOVED}Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts. In the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of each event, the top of each Ascendancy Class will receive the exclusive {LINK REMOVED}Godslayer's Pride microtransaction.

Console Prizing
First place overall in each version of the events will receive a full microtransaction set. In the SSF version of each event, the top three overall will receive a {LINK REMOVED}Godslayer's Pride microtransaction.

The Mayhem event takes classic Path of Exile league modifiers from Anarchy, Invasion, Breach, Ambush, Torment, Harbinger, Delirium, and Scourge and pushes them to the extreme. In each area you'll encounter one of the following scenarios: 20 Rogue Exiles, 20 Strongboxes, 20 Invasion Bosses, 10 Breaches, 20 Tormented Spirits, 20 Harbingers, a Mirror of Delirium, or enemies that have a chance to spawn Beyond Demons when slain close to each other. Each area in Wraeclast will have one of these mods, along with two mods from a pool of mods that increase the difficulty of monsters in the area. The mod that an area has will change every hour.

Mayhem Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a {LINK REMOVED}Godslayer's Pride microtransaction. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Standard Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Dragon Hunter Armour Set
  • Vulcan Cloak
  • Vulcan Weapon Skin
  • Dragon Hunter Weapon Effect
  • Vulcan Portal
  • Dragon Hunter Footprints
  • Wasteland Raptor Pet
  • Fire Character Effect
Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the {LINK REMOVED}Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 1pm November 4th (PDT)
  • Ending at 12pm November 14th (PST)
  • Standard, Hardcore, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.
  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

Return to the Azurite Mine and journey endlessly deeper in this returning event. You begin the event in the Mine Encampment and cannot leave the Mine. All you can do is Delve. All sulphite costs have been removed, and the Mine scales from level 1 instead of its usual scaling.

To aid you in your descent, you'll start with a stack of Scrolls of Wisdom and some powerful unique items. Lily Roth has also made her way to the Mine Encampment to sell you gems, with each gem costing a single Scroll of Wisdom. At level 1, and every 10 character levels until level 70, you gain 3 passive skill points to make up for the ones you'd normally get from quests. And of course the Altar of Ascendancy is available, granting you 2 Ascendancy passive skill points when you reach levels matching the area level of each Labyrinth. No matter how deep you go, there's no escape from Kitava's curses, so you'll lose resistances and start incurring an experience penalty on death when you reach levels 40 and 70.

While previous Endless Delve events have been won by the player that reached the greatest depth by the end of the race, this Endless Delve event will be won by the first player in each ascendancy class to depth 600.

Endless Delve FAQ In the Endless Delve event, you'll play exclusively in the Azurite Mine and won't need sulphite for progress. You'll begin the plunge with access to some starter gear to help you take on perilous darkness. To check out the starting uniques, you'll need to go to our forum post {LINK REMOVED}here.

To help you prepare for the event and to give you a further idea of what to expect from the Endless Delve, we've answered the most common questions from our community.

Do we start from level 1?

What exactly do we start with?
40 wisdom scrolls, the skill and support gem your class normally gets on the Twilight Strand, two small life flasks and a small mana flask, and five starter unique items (all with 3 linked white sockets except for the quiver).

Which classes will get which starting unique items?
Marauder: Rust of Winter, Ashes of the Sun, Blood of Summer, Thunder of the Dawn, Remnant of Empires.

Templar: Splinter of the Moon, Remnant of Empires, Ashes of the Sun, Vestige of Divinity, Rust of Winter.

Witch: Splinter of the Moon, Fragment of Eternity, Vestige of Divinity, Scar of Fate, Remnant of Empires.

Shadow: Scar of Fate, Remnant of Empires, Splinter of the Moon, Fragment of Eternity, Blood of Summer.

Ranger: Relic of the Cycle, Slivers of Providence, Fragment of Eternity, Blood of Summer, Scar of Fate.

Duelist: Blood of Summer, Thunder of the Dawn, Relic of the Cycle, Slivers of Providence, Remnant of Empires.

Scion: Splinter of the Moon, Blood of Summer, Remnant of Empires, Scar of Fate, Ashes of the Sun, Relic of the Cycle and Slivers of Providence.

Can you make a new character to get multiple copies of the same item?

Could you specify exact thresholds for skill points and Ascendancies?
Passives: 3 each at levels 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. Total of 24, same as normally gained from quest rewards assuming you kill all bandits.

Ascendancies: levels 33, 55, 68, 75.

How do I choose my Ascendancy?
The Altar of Ascendancy is available in the Mine Encampment.

How does depth scaling work compared to normal Delving?
The levels of monsters at lower depths have been decreased to make Delving from level 1 possible. Monster level is simply equal to depth up to depth 77, where it syncs back up with normal Delve scaling. Level, biome mod and damage/life scaling with depth are the same as normal Delve from depth 77 onwards. Other depth-scaling mechanics like darkness resistance, light radius, Azurite, and rewards will be the same as normal Delving at any depth.

How will respec points work?
2 points at level 10, then 3 at levels 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70. Total of 20 free ones, same as gained from quests normally

Which vendors are available? Will there be currency vendors?
You’ll have access to Niko’s normal shop, and Lilly Roth’s gem shop with some modifications. Lilly’s gems all cost 1 wisdom scroll each, and she also has an extra tab containing all the normal currency trades offered by vendors (except for portal scrolls).

Are gems restricted to class or will they be accessible to all classes?
Lilly Roth sells all purchasable gems from level 1, no matter which class you pick. She has the same gem selection as her normal shop.

How does Niko's inventory reset?
Every time you complete a new Delve encounter (i.e. move the Crawler to an unexplored node on the map).

Will there be a crafting bench in the Mine Encampment?

Will Divination Cards be available?
Yes. You can turn them in to Lily Roth.

Will drops be disabled on maps, chisels, etc. because they will have no use?
No. Doing this would require an enormous amount of work which would have inhibited us from being able to run the event at all.

Will the on-death experience penalty be present? If so, when?
Yes. Levels 40 and 70 grant Kitava’s curses, with the usual experience loss, resistance penalty, and Vaal skill soul cost increase.

Is the Delve progression per character or per account?
Normally it’s shared between characters in the same league, but in this event it’s per character. This stops people getting very deep on one character, then quickly making other characters and completing a single encounter to collect multiple copies of Demigod’s Authority. Delve upgrades purchased with azurite are also not shared between characters. Your stash is shared as normal.

Can you choose your bandit reward?
The free skill points you’re granted for levelling up include 2 points to match killing all the bandits. You’re unable to help a bandit, or change the skill points to another reward via the vendor recipe.

Why is Endless Delve Solo Self-Found?
To party with other players, you would need access to towns or your Hideout which are not available due to the nature of the event.

How do I join the event?
At the character selection screen, there's a panel below your characters which will list the events available. You can join the event by clicking 'join'. This option becomes available 30 minutes before the event is set to begin. Your character won't be able to move until the event starts.

Endless Delve Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a {LINK REMOVED}Godslayer's Pride microtransaction. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Standard Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Oblivion Armour Set
  • Necrolord Cloak
  • Necrolord Weapon Skin
  • Misery Weapon Effect
  • Oblivion Portal
  • Misery Footprints
  • Misery Will-o'-the-wisp Pet
  • Oblivion Character Effect
Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the {LINK REMOVED}Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 12pm November 14th (PST)
  • Ending at 12pm November 21st (PST)
  • Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.
  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

A dense fog hangs over Wraeclast, the continent now enthralled by Delirium. Almost every campaign and endgame map area has permanent Delirium fog, ranging randomly from 10% to 100% Delirium with the minimum and maximum level of Delirium scaling with the level of the zone. This way, some lower level encounters won't be impossibly difficult and higher level encounters won't be incredibly easy. This has all the usual effects — monsters getting buffed, new monsters spawning, reward bars filling with kills, and Simulacrum splinters dropping. To avoid spam-refreshing areas being the best strategy, each area always has the same Delirium percentage, and Delirium reward types are randomised each time they drop.

In comparison to the last time we ran a Delirium Everywhere event, we've reduced the amount of Delirium that can be applied to zones earlier in the campaign and have adjusted the maximum Delirium each act can have so that progressing past certain encounters isn't near-impossible.

Mirrors of Delirium cannot spawn in this event. If you get your hands on a Delirious map, it functions as normal, overriding the special rules of this event.

Delirium Everywhere Event Prizes

For PC, the top player of each Ascendancy Class in the Hardcore Solo Self-Found version of the event will be awarded a {LINK REMOVED}Godslayer's Pride microtransaction. For Console, this is awarded to the top three overall in Solo Self-Found.

The following microtransaction set will be awarded to the top three overall in each version of the event on PC, and first place overall in each version of the event on Console.

  • Glimmerwood Armour Set
  • Dark Magic Wings
  • Glimmerwood Weapon Skin
  • Dark Magic Weapon Effect
  • Stygian Portal
  • Stygian Footprints
  • Stygian Steed Pet
  • Stygian Character Effect
Finally, for PC, the first place overall in each version of the event will receive one Path of Exile T-Shirt from their choice between the {LINK REMOVED}Lunaris Vs. Solaris or Vaal Orb T-Shirts

  • Starting at 12pm November 21st (PST)
  • Ending at 12pm November 28th (PST)
  • Standard, Hardcore, Standard Solo Self-Found, Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available.
  • This event is voided. (Items and characters do not transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event)

Will these events run on all platforms?

Can I play my existing character?
No, you'll need to make new characters in each event.

How do I join the event?
At the character selection screen, there's a panel below your characters which will list the events available. You can join the event by clicking 'join'. This option becomes available 30 minutes before the event is set to begin. Your character won't be able to move until the event starts.

Can I make Private League versions of these events?

Can I change my Ascendancy Class during these events?
No. This is to prevent people changing classes at the last minute as a cheap way to get a Godslayer's Pride.

Why is Delve Solo Self-Found?
To party with other players, you would need access to towns or your Hideout which are not available due to the nature of the event.

If I delete my character, will I still get a prize?
No. Please do not delete your characters until after the prizes have been awarded.

Will I still be eligible for prizes if my character dies?

If I level multiple characters will I have a greater chance of winning a prize?
Yes. Every character you level will be independently included in the pool for the prize draw at the end of the event. This excludes mystery boxes, where you will only be able to receive one per account.

Can I win more than one microtransaction prize?
Yes, it's possible to win multiple prizes. This excludes the mystery box which is awarded once per account. You only need to reach level 50 in one of the events to receive the free mystery box. This can be found in your microtransaction stash once awarded.

When will I receive a prize?
The Kalandra Mystery Box will be awarded automatically when you reach level 50 during an event. The other microtransactions and Godslayer's Prides will be awarded after the end of the event. You'll receive a private message on the website to notify you when this has happened. Note that outside of the Mystery Box and Godslayer's Prides, prizes are drawn randomly and are not necessarily guaranteed. We'll post on our Twitter to confirm when the final prizes have gone out.

Will I have access to my crafting bench in Endless Delve?

Will I be able to access the Lake of Kalandra during the events?
No. The events will not be in the Kalandra League, so you will not be able to access the Lake of Kalandra.

Good luck, everyone! We can't wait to see the chaos and carnage unfold in these events. If you're not able to participate, be sure to check the action out {LINK REMOVED}live on Twitch!
over 2 years ago - Nichelle_GGG - Direct link

Hi Exiles,

The prizes are being distributed manually. We'll post on our Twitter to confirm when the final prizes have gone out, which should include these Mystery Boxes if it is your second box from the November events. You can keep an eye out for this here: https://www.twitter.com/pathofexile