over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
This weekend we are running a Stash Tab Sale! You can view the full selection of discounted tabs by pressing M to open the store in-game. The Stash Tab sale ends at 5pm on Monday, October 9th (PDT).

There are also three new microtransactions entering the store today. Check them out in the videos below, or get yours in-game now!

The Luminary Charge Effect gives your charges a vibrant new look!

Coordinate volleys of Void Bolts with the Void Emperor Artillery Ballista Effect!

Prefer to get the job done yourself? The Void Emperor Lightning Arrow Effect is perfect for zipping and zapping foes by your hand!

If you want something to go with these new Void Emperor cosmetics, the obvious choice should be the Void Emperor Armour Set! Check it out below, along with the Automaton Deathnotch Bow, Automaton Necrolord Wings and the Void Emperor Planetary Orb Character Effect!

Thank you for your support!