In the Balance Manifesto we see:
"Previously if a projectile had a chain remaining, the skill couldn't return until it had chained the last time even if there were no enemies in range to chain to. Now the projectile will return, and could still make use of the remaining chain if it hits an enemy during that return."
I am wondering:
Does this only apply to Chain?
If there are remaining Split/Pierce/Fork will those still prevent Eeturn? I would assume they wouldn't prevent the Eeturn, but the post only refers to Chain.
Does this apply to "Return from final target"
From the wording in the balance manifesto, it sounds like it both would and wouldn't. On one hand it sounds like it still wouldn't return because of the "from final target" not being fulfilled, but on the other hand the two sources of generic "Return to you" that are not final target on Venom Gyre and Reach of the Council already occur even if there are remaining Pierce/Fork/Chain so this doesn't sound like it is referring to those mods.
EDIT: I guess this might also be "if a projectile hits final target and has a chain but cannot chain, it will check for return".
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