over 6 years
ago -
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It's been two months since the start of the Delve League, so it's time to check out the Hideouts forum to showcase your creations! We've picked several recent hideouts to share with the rest of the community. We were very pleased to find a couple of Delve-inspired hideouts with rails and crystals all over the place!
Niko's Research Facility by Ninnatt

Old City Hideout by LAGROSSESIMONE

Lions Crypt Hideout by Noooberino

Hideout by Chalace2

Halls of The Deep by Aurquonn

Tomb of the Giants by Sie_Sayoka
We'd also like to mention Galahat with his amazing hideouts and video tutorials. Just look at this forest!
We know that you've been waiting for news about hideout changes. We are happy to confirm that we're improving hideouts in the upcoming 3.5.0 expansion and adding a long-awaited feature. We'll tell you more shortly after the expansion announcement.
Thank you for all your incredible hideouts! We can't wait to see what you create in 3.5.0!