8 months
ago -
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The Necropolis Challenge League will end soon and you may be wondering what will happen when it does.
The Necropolis and the Grave Crafting system won’t be going core in 3.25, so here’s what you can expect when the league ends on Jul 23, 2024 6:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time).
- All of your progress will migrate to the respective parent league of your characters, Necropolis League will migrate to Standard League for example.
- All Necropolis Uniques except The Perandus Pact will now be added to the core drop pool.
- The Necropolis will be removed
- Coffins and Allflame Embers will be deleted
Thanks to everyone for playing and to those of you still trying to complete your unfinished challenges, you still have one week to do so before the Necropolis league ends!