almost 2 years
ago -
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This weekend, we're having a sale on cosmetic effects from the Sanctum Mystery Box! All microtransactions from the Sanctum Mystery Box as well as their variations (except for the Winged Vilemorph Pet) will be on sale! Check out the full list of specials here.
Because the Winged Vilemorph Pet was released into the store at a later date, it will not be available at a discounted price during this sale, but will be discounted in future sales.
Not sure what's in the box? Be sure to check out what's in the box in the video below.
If you need some inspiration on what to get, check out the Gold Treasure Hunter Helmet, Infernal Summoning Ring, Demonic Flesh Wound Gloves and Automaton Flamestrider Boots which are all on sale, paired with the Automaton Necrolord Body Armour and Cloak, Warlock Dagger and the Demonic Summon Skeletons Skin in the screenshot below!

The sale will run from the time of this post until Jun 05, 2023 8:00 PM (EDT) (This is displayed in your local time).
Thanks for your support!