almost 4 years
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Following the exciting showcase of Path of Exile racing that was featured on Games Done Quick last month, community streamer Brittleknee has organised a Path of Exile Speedrunning Season that is open for anyone!
While the Speedrun Season already began on the 14th of May, it's not too late to sign up and get racing. The best part is you can sign up and join whenever you want to run, which means you can work around any commitments and choose the best time that suits you to begin!
The Community Speedrun Season is split into 6 weeks, each week focusing on a different boss or endpoint. Each event's endpoint is further from the last, allowing you to refine and develop your strategies from the weeks prior. The event is currently in Week 2 which has its focus on defeating the Vaal Oversoul, the final boss of Act 2, in the fastest time possible and ends this Friday.
For all the information you need such as signing up, FAQs and more, you can join the Path of Exile Community Racing Discord by clicking here.
A big thank you to all the community members involved in organising the event, and we wish the best of luck to all racers!