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In preparation for the Path of Exile: Sentinel expansion, we've gathered up all the Item Filter information you need to help you get ready for the launch.
If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry too much! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of Sentinel.
New Items
Item Class: Support Skill Gem
- Awakened Enlighten Support
- Awakened Enhance Support
- Awakened Empower Support
Item Class: Divination Card
- Altered Perception
- Further Invention
- The Brawny Battle Mage
- A Fate Worse Than Death
- The Destination
- Rebirth and Renewal
- The Forward Gaze
- The Apothecary
- Home
- The Dungeon Master
- From Bone to Ashes
- Darker Half
Item Class: Stackable Currency
- Power Core
- Transforming Power Core
- Amplifying Power Core
- Augmenting Power Core
- Armour Recombinator
- Weapon Recombinator
- Jewellery Recombinator
Item Class: Quest
- Sentinel Controller
New Base Types
Item Class: Sentinel Drone
- Rusted Stalker Sentinel
- Bronze Stalker Sentinel
- Cobalt Stalker Sentinel
- Brimstone Stalker Sentinel
- Emberstone Stalker Sentinel
- Obsidian Stalker Sentinel
- Cryptic Stalker Sentinel
- Primeval Stalker Sentinel
- Ancient Stalker Sentinel
- Bronze Pandemonium Sentinel
- Cobalt Pandemonium Sentinel
- Brimstone Pandemonium Sentinel
- Emberstone Pandemonium Sentinel
- Obsidian Pandemonium Sentinel
- Cryptic Pandemonium Sentinel
- Primeval Pandemonium Sentinel
- Ancient Pandemonium Sentinel
- Bronze Apex Sentinel
- Cobalt Apex Sentinel
- Brimstone Apex Sentinel
- Emberstone Apex Sentinel
- Obsidian Apex Sentinel
- Cryptic Apex Sentinel
- Primeval Apex Sentinel
- Ancient Apex Sentinel
- Cosmic Apex Sentinel
Other changes
Pantheon Souls
- Captured Soul of Captain Clayborne, The Accursed renamed to Captured Soul of Shock and Horror
- Captured Soul of Armala, the Widow renamed to Captured Soul of Murgeth Bogsong
- Captured Soul of Forest of Flames renamed to Captured Soul of Sumter the Twisted
- Captured Soul of Varhesh, Shimmering Aberration renamed to Captured Soul of Herald of Thunder
- Captured Soul of Shock and Horror renamed to Captured Soul of The Sanguine Siren
- Captured Soul of Pagan Bishop of Agony renamed to Captured Soul of Piety the Empyrean
- Captured Soul of The Hallowed Husk renamed to Captured Soul of Drek, Apex Hunter
- Captured Soul of Drek, Apex Hunter renamed to Captured Soul of Stalker of the Endless Dunes
- Captured Soul of Lycius, Midnight's Howl renamed to Captured Soul of The Forgotten Soldier
Map Tiers
Tier 1
- Underground Sea
- Arid Lake
- Spider Forest
- Cold River
Tier 2
- Museum
- Tower
- Peninsula
- Dungeon
- Bog
- Acid Caverns
- Frozen Cabins
- Plaza
Tier 3
- Moon Temple
- Necropolis
- Ramparts
- Basilica
- Reef
- Infested Valley
- Carcass
- Volcano
Tier 4
- Cemetery
- Overgrown Shrine
- Temple
- Bazaar
- Ashen Wood
- Arsenal
- Crimson Temple
- Armoury
Tier 5
- Shore
- Arena
- Toxic Sewer
- Dry Sea
- Arcade
- Tropical Island
- Mud Geyser
- Maze
Tier 6
- Atoll
- Bramble Valley
- Orchard
- Primordial Pool
- Summit
- Crimson Township
- Lair
Tier 7
- Bone Crypt
- Thicket
- Ivory Temple
- Sepulchre
- City Square
- Lookout
- Courtyard
Tier 8
- Mesa
- Desert Spring
- Terrace
- Core
- Colonnade
- Desert
- Gardens
Tier 9
- Glacier
- Crystal Ore
- Grotto
- Lava Chamber
- Promenade
- Overgrown Ruin
Tier 10
- Dunes
- Marshes
- Waste Pool
- Jungle Valley
- Canyon
- Mausoleum
Tier 11
- Villa
- Wharf
- Precinct
- Cage
- Dark Forest
- Grave Trough
Tier 12
- Underground River
- Vaal Pyramid
- Mineral Pools
- Pit
- Foundry
- Port
Tier 13
- Sunken City
- Laboratory
- Coral Ruins
- Factory
- Wasteland
Tier 14
- Strand
- Alleyways
- Beach
- Fields
- Fungal Hollow
Tier 15
- Cursed Crypt
- Palace
- Cells
- Barrows
- Park
Tier 16
- Lava Lake
- Burial Chambers
- Residence
- Caldera
Removed Items
- All Archnemesis Mods