That wasn't a myth. They specifically removed it in 2.2. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Rampage
No, your rampage used to grant stats that boosted your minions, and those were removed in 2.2. Minions have never been able to have their own rampage/gain rampage kills, and still cannot.
Would auto-attacking a hydrosphere not work for this? Seems like it could entirely replace worm flask since people use it already to do things like get rage. This assumes they don't nerf hydrosphere in a related way.
On-hit effects don't work on hydrosphere in general, this stat is not an exception to that.
Hi, quick update on The Dancing Dervish: we will restore the unconditional Rampage mod. It was not intended to be a nerf. The goal is to reduce the need for multiple Writhing Jar flasks and reduce the investment needed for flask charge reduction etc. Also, to make running out of flask charges and/or losing the Rampage streak less of a "brick" against bosses without a lot of minions, which currently forces you to waste a portal to town/hideout just to refill your flasks. However, for builds that simply don't (or can't) deal Melee hits, there is no reason for them to be made even more clunky.
Also, some clarifications on certain mechanics:
"Manifest Dancing Dervishes" summons two Dervish minions, similar to the (soon-to-be-legacy) Dancing Duo.
As noted in the 3.17.0 balance manifesto the minion AI has been improved.
The "Melee Hits count as Rampage Kills" stat only applies to you, not the minions. Of course, you will lose the stat when the minions disable the sword item when they are manifested.
You can Hit (and therefore gain Rampage Kills from) monsters/bosses that are targetable but immune to damage (such as Izaro as he flees) but not untargetable bosses (such as The Shaper as he talks).
You still need 15 Rampage Kills to trigger the first Rampage and manifest the minions, but if you use a Melee skill (such as the very thematic Cyclone) then it should be at least twice as easy: even against worms from the Writhing Jar, you will get one Rampage Kill from the hit and another Rampage Kill from the actual kill, i.e. Two Rampage Kills per worm.
Legacy Dancing Dervish items will be automatically upgraded to this new version.
Legacy Dancing Duo items will be automatically upgraded to this new version, but will retain the legacy name and flavour text.
Why not just make it so minions would trigger the rampage. I would take it over anything else.
The Dervish minions still have 25% chance to grant Rampage Kills on hitting Unique monsters / bosses.
Love the changes but had one question;
Will multistrike still work with it?
Good question. Multistrike will not work with their new channeled Cyclone skill (making it consistent with players' Cyclone), but the minions are being rebalanced accordingly.
And what about Ruthless? It doesn't work with channel skills so I guess it won't work with the new swords. Did you take into account when rebalancing it? Just wanted to make sure :)
Yeah, the smaller pool of support gems has been taken into account. And it's still no trouble to fill out a 6L.
Any chance we can get cyclone MTX to apply to Dervish cyclone?
I'll give you a solid maybe
Quick question, restoring unconditional rampage doesn't mean the rampage on hit will go away, right?
It will have both