about 2 years
ago -
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While Sanctum won't be going core in the next expansion, we do really like this mechanic and the way it challenges Path of Exile players. We loved watching your Sanctum runs and the best relics you found. We definitely want to find a way to integrate it into Path of Exile.
There are a number of improvements we need to make to Sanctum before it can have a permanent place in Path of Exile. It needs a general rebalance, could benefit from more content, and needs to be integrated into your gameplay loop in a way that lets players specialise in it if they want to, but doesn't force it on players who prefer the base game. We'd also need to work out how Relics would work.
We're working on a lot of stuff for 3.21 at the moment so we haven't included the Sanctum rework in its scope. But it's hopefully something we can look forward to in the coming leagues.
When the current league ends in early April, all of your existing relics and invocations will be deleted. If you have any Sanctum challenges to complete, you still have several weeks to do so.
Thanks to everyone who is enjoying Sanctum!