almost 4 years
ago -
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Across two massive weekends, veteran community member, streamer and racer, Havoc616, will be hosting the Havoc Blitz event! Players will compete to earn points for each race throughout the four day event, with the final standings being determined by their cumulative points total. This event is an opportunity for experienced and upcoming racers to hone their skills prior to the launch of our 3.14 expansion.
Weekend 1
Day 1 Start: April 3 8AM PDT (countdown available here)Day 2 Start: April 4 8AM PDT (countdown available here)
Weekend 2
Day 1 Start: April 10 8AM PDT (countdown available here)Day 2 Start: April 11 8AM PDT (countdown available here)
Prize Pool
- 1st: $500
- 2nd: $450
- 3rd: $400
- 4th: $350
- 5th: $300
- 6th - 10th: $250
- 11th - 15th: Transcendence Helmet and 2x Warlord Mystery Boxes
Individual Race
- 1st: $50
Additionally, Transcendence Helmets and 2x Warlord Mystery Box MTX Packs will be given away on Twitter and during the live cast.
If you would like to catch the action live, RaizQT will be casting the event over on his Twitch channel. Highlights will also be posted on RaizQT’s YouTube channel and Havoc616’s YouTubeChannel.
For more information about the event, how to enter or what rules are in place, click here. You can also join the POE Racing Discord here.
Shout out to community members Faderon, Rex, Brittleknee, SK_Gunoo, RaizQT, Muqve, DadBodGamingGod and Xayazi for their work behind the scenes to help make this event a reality.
Good luck to everyone who’s participating!