about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

" Ydoum wrote: ref. 1,928,736,678

As of 3.13, stone golems keep prioritizing basic melee attacks over their AoE slam ability despite it being off cooldown (my cdr for it is currently 1.1s).

The same actually happens with their rollout ability, where instead of using it they would rather casually walk towards their targets instead of dashing there.

It gets really terrible during rituals where it's super frustrating watching them constantly melee single targets instead of using AoE abilities.

As noted in replies:
- they are also quite passive even with primordial might socketed
- they tend to run towards targets off screen and never attack them
- they sometimes just stand around you and won't engage enemies until you start moving or use skills

We've raised this for investigation.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

" Ydoum wrote: ref. 1,928,736,678

As of 3.13, stone golems keep prioritizing basic melee attacks over their AoE slam ability despite it being off cooldown (my cdr for it is currently 1.1s).

The same actually happens with their rollout ability, where instead of using it they would rather casually walk towards their targets instead of dashing there.

It gets really terrible during rituals where it's super frustrating watching them constantly melee single targets instead of using AoE abilities.

As noted in replies:
- they are also quite passive even with primordial might socketed
- they tend to run towards targets off screen and never attack them
- they sometimes just stand around you and won't engage enemies until you start moving or use skills

We've raised this for investigation.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

" Ydoum wrote: ref. 1,928,736,678

As of 3.13, stone golems keep prioritizing basic melee attacks over their AoE slam ability despite it being off cooldown (my cdr for it is currently 1.1s).

The same actually happens with their rollout ability, where instead of using it they would rather casually walk towards their targets instead of dashing there.

It gets really terrible during rituals where it's super frustrating watching them constantly melee single targets instead of using AoE abilities.

As noted in replies:
- they are also quite passive even with primordial might socketed
- they tend to run towards targets off screen and never attack them
- they sometimes just stand around you and won't engage enemies until you start moving or use skills

We've raised this for investigation.